what is the most common flower color
what is the newest series on netflix
Amor 101
who is the fastest man in the world
Usain Bolt
what is the best job in canada
Specialized Engineer
what is the most beautiful beach in Guatemala
what is the smallest flower in the world
what was the most popular serie in 2008
Breaking Bad
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What is the lowest paying job in the US
Laundry and dry-cleaning workers
what is the oldest country in the world
Republic of San Marino
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what is the most popular serie on amazon prime
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
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What are the happiest careers
Executive chef
what is the poorest town in Florida
Belle Glade
what is the most popular flower
what is the most popular serie in netflix
Outer Banks
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What is the most wanted job in the world
Software developer
what is the smallest country in the world
Vatican City
what is the most dangerous flower
Nerium oleander
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who was the youngest president of united states
Theodore Roosevelt
What is the easiest high paying job
what is the biggest city in Canada