what/interesting city/in your country/?
What's the most interesting city in your country?
what/intereresting subject/at school/?
What's the most interesting subject at school?
He isn't tall enough to reach the shelf. (short)
He is too short to reach the shelf.
My shoes aren't clean enough to wear to the party. (dirty)
My shoes are too dirty to wear to the party.
What's the most dangerous animal in the world?
who/attractive actor/in the world/?
Who's the most attractive actor in the world?
Skiing holidays aren't cheep enough for me. (expensive)
Skiing holidays are too expensive for me.
My dad's old car is too dangerous to drive. (safe)
My dad's old car isn't safe enough to drive.
who/bad singer/in the world/?
Who's the worst singer in thee world?
what/funny comedy/on TV/?
What's the funniest comedy on TV?
They are old enough to drive. (young)
They aren't too young to drive.
The sky is too cloudy to see the moon. (clear)
The sky isn't clear enough to see the moon.
what/far/you've ever traveled/?
What’s the furthest you’ve ever traveled?
what/your/little/favourit film/?
What is your least favourite film?
The storm was too week to cause much damage. (strong)
The storm wasn't strong enough to cause much damage.
He talks too loudly. (quietly)
He doesn't talk quietly enough.
who/many points/?
Who has the most points?
Which city is the dirtiest?
She is too tired to walk. (active)
She isn't active enough to walk.
The bag is too heavy to carry. (light)
The bag isn't light enough to carry.