Absolutely every single student who has enrolled in STARS must stan this professor, by unwritten law.
Who is Dr. Moreno?
The biological species whose DNA replication was studied in their paper and which appears in the title.
What is E. Coli?
The month during which Yale abruptly moved all classes to Zoom. Also the form of many protests in the US in the months that followed.
Matt's most-played video game of all time. (Hope you paid attention during two truths and a lie!)
What is (The Legend of Zelda:) Breath of the Wild?
The letter "c" is commonly used to represent this physical constant, which is critical to the theory of special relativity.
What is the speed of light?
These two professors are both in the MCDB department.
Who are Dr. Moreno and Dr. Nelson?
Their paper provided evidence for the model of DNA replication published first by these two scientists, although Rosalind Franklin certainly deserves some credit as well.
Who are Watson & Crick?
Yale students waited for days and weeks for the University to unveil a decision about plans to reopen campus. It wasn't until this peer institution spoke up that Yale finally provided some answers.
What is Harvard?
The organization that Jocelyn was the most involved with during her time at Yale. Unfortunately, it sounds like her successor won't have much to do this fall thanks to COVID-19...
What is the Yale Precision Marching Band?
A stellar body, apart from a quarantine workout goal, would be described informally as this, if it has a high radiant flux.
What is bright?
The professor who works closely with peer tutors through the Center for Teaching and Learning.
Who is Dr. P.?
The first method described in their landmark paper is referred to as density-gradient this.
What is centrifugation?
The year that Zoom was founded. Also the year that the lead actor of Forrest Gump gave an address at Yale commencement.
What is 2011?
Matt's most-listened-to song of the summer. In other contexts, his favorite of this is pineapple.
What is Juice?
This time of day is best known for its colors caused by the atmospheric scattering of sunlight, but perhaps also for some glittery supernatural creatures.
What is twilight?
The specific roles of the STARS Professors are: Academic Director, Academic Coordinator, and Advisor. The names of the corresponding professors should be listed in this order.
Who are Dr. Nelson, Dr. Moreno, and Dr. P.?
The primary compound in the solution they chose as a centrifuging medium, largely due to its density.
After Yale transferred its learning online, many active members of the "Yale Memes for Special Snowflake Teens" Facebook group began to lend their meme-making talents to this new group instead.
What is Zoom Memes for Self Quaranteens?
What are chemistry and mathematics?
While optometrists might disagree, proponents of the adage often attribute a colloquial term for our current year to this.
What is hindsight?
The full last name of the professor who taught Matt's and Jocelyn's STARS section in 2017. (Oh, and spelling counts.)
What is Purushothaman?
The mass number of the heavy isotope they used to label the original DNA, as distinguished from replicated DNA in future generations.
What is fifteen?
This term, meaning to search for Yale courses, has become antiquated with the advent of courses.yale.edu; however, it remains a popular term out of habit and tradition.
What is bluebook?
The name of Jocelyn's hometown is ________ Beach, NY. (Hope you paid attention to the icebreaker slides!)
What is Rockaway?
Prior to the advent of beam balances or digital scales, this was used in conjunction with a hanging scale to assess an object's mass—or its guiltiness, if you ask Lady Justice.
What is counterweight?