In Britain if you see a black cat...,
you will have good luck
If you receive bad news...,
two more will come
If you toast with water...,
you will get bad luck
On Friday the 13th you will...
have bad luck
If you see a .... , you will have good luck
HINT: it's a plant
For good luck a bride SHOULD wear...,
“something borrowed, something blue, something old and something new”.
If you break a mirror...,
(how long?)
you will have seven years of bad luck!
If a bird poops on you...,
you will have good luck
If you spill salt on the table, you will...
get bad luck!
If you find a ... in the street, you will have good luck
A horseshoe is...
good luck!
If you put a ....... on the bed, you will have bad luck
If you write someone's name with a red pen...,
that person will die
If you see a full moon...,
you will make a lot of money
If you pass under a bridge where a freight train is passing and you put some money on your head, it will...
bring you unexpected money
If you knock on wood three times...,
you will be protected from bad luck
If the ...... sees the bride before the wedding, it's bad luck
If you eat mango with milk...,
you will die
if you make a wish upon a falling star...,
it will become true!
If you play a game for the ... time you will have a .... luck
first / good
If you catch falling autumn leaves...,
you will have good luck!
If you walk under a ..., you will get bad luck
If you put your bag on the floor...,
you won't receive money
If you see a black cat...,
something bad will happen to you
If a .... enters your house, you will have good luck
HINT: (It is a beautiful, flying insect with large wings. Like all insects, it has six legs, 3 body parts, a pair of antennae, compound eyes, and an exoskeleton.