Key Terms
Positioning/Communication Accountability Strategies
Youth Engagement

A child or children are not in direct sight and/or sound supervision of teaching staff.

What is Lapse in Supervision?


A member of the management completes a name-face Recognition check and compares it to the roster in the classroom and the CYMS current attendance and verifies . 

What is Quality Assurance Count? (QA Count) 


Walking in groups

What is utilize youth to hold doors, use safest walking route, distribute CYP Professionals through the group to utilize maximum supervision? Name to face when exiting one place and then when entering the next. 


Used to go taekwondo mom knows Ms. Amy from 2030 rides bus 652.

Goes to taekwondo, her parents just went to Vegas and rides a white bus.

Who is DC?

Who is BB?


642 & 8:45~ & 4:05~

What is Green Holly bus number & pick up time & drop off time?


Individual responsibility for knowing how many and which children are in care and following documentation procedures to reflect their accuracy. 

What is Accountability?


Youth getting on the bus

What is sign out on classroom roster, sign out on bus sheet, swipe out in CYMS?


Youth drop off (entering into care in the morning) 

What is have parent sign in on clipboard, operations walkie the youth, direct care copy, if able walk up and meet youth, warmly greet youth, walk to area sign youth into clipboard. 


He loves playing catch outside, his little brother knows how to push his buttons, and has been youth of the week and month! 

He loves cars, selects the jedi of the day, and started Drawing club. 

Who is OT?

Who is CG?


652 & 8:15~ & 3:40~

What is Lexington Park Bus number and pick up time and drop off?


CYP Professional's status when they are counted in the staff:child ratio and is directly responsible for a group of children. 

What is In Ratio?


Youth getting off bus

What is sign in on classroom roster, sign in on bus sheet, swipe in CYMS?


Youth pick up (Youth leaving for the day) 

What is youth wait until they are walkied to go to the front, direct care sign out of clipboard. Parent swipes youth out. 


Fell on the way to the bus today loves fidgets and rides bus 99.

Loves balloons, looking out the window on the white bus ride home, and building marble mazes. 

Who is AO? 

Who is JH?


50 6:45 & 3:40

99 & 7:45~ & 4:10

What is Little Flower bus number and drop off time and pick up and KCA bus number and pick up an drop off time?


The requirement that CYP Professionals providing direct care are able to visually observe and hear the children and youth. 

What is Sound and Sight Supervision?


A parent verbally state their child will not be here this afternoon or calls and says they will not be getting on the white bus this afternoon. 

What is document on the NO PM list or Ongoing absent list?


Youth or child in Restroom 

What is supervision requirement by sound? 

walkie to communicate youth is go inside if in single man ratio. Youth ask their counselor if they are safe to go inside. 


Favorite animal is monkey loves to sing asks who youth of the week is every week rides a white bus only usually comes in the morning.

Loves to sing country songs and play firefighting imagination games. 

Who is HR?

Who is KB?


White bus - 7:45 & 3:10

595 -7:50 & 3:40

What is Greenview Knolls & Chesapeake Charter bus number and drop off time?


Active process that involves, listening, observing, interacting, moving, and providing guidance, while proactively minimizing risks for children and youth. 

*Also involves communicating with team members, strategically positioning yourself & anticipating. 

What is Child Supervision?


CYMS generated report for all children currently in attendance at CYP Center. 

What is current attendance?


Outdoor environment

What is supervise by zoning, positive engagement and interaction? 


Loves imagining he is throwing snowballs & his favorite day is Monday because his area gets to play on the playground rides bus 210. 

Loves Mario & Lugi just got glasses LOVES being first in line to ride bus 652.

Who is AG?

Who is TC?


225 @ 4:10pm

What is Green Holly - Self Transport
