Emphasizing effort over results
What is "Look how hard I'm trying"?
Establish a personal, friendly relationship with the supervisor
What is "Let's be friends"?
The supervisee hints at connections with influential figures
What is "I have powerful friends"?
The supervisee blames external factors for their failures
What is "If it weren't for you"?
The supervisor emphasizes their superior knowledge
What is "I'm the expert"?
The supervisee portrays work as a personal favor
What is "I'm only doing this for you"?
The supervisee tries to establish a peer-like relationship
What is "You're okay, I'm okay"?
Implying superior knowledge or skills
What is "I know something you don't know"?
The game where someone appears to agree but always finds reasons why suggestions won't work.
What is "Yes, but..."?
This supervisor game involves setting up situations to catch supervisees making mistake
What is "Gotcha"?
Feigning helplessness to get more attention
What is "I can't do it without you"?
Presenting oneself as emotionally vulnerable to avoid criticism
What is "Be nice to me, I'm fragile"?
The strategy of playing authority figures against each other
What is "Divide and conquer"?
A common result of situation control games in supervision
What is "Stagnation in practice"?
The informal scenario that can significantly impact supervisory relationships
What is "The Coffee Break Scenario"?
A key strategy for supervisors to combat demand manipulation games
What is "Setting clear expectations"?
A crucial tool for maintaining professional boundaries in supervision.
What is a "Supervision contract"?
The primary motivation behind power disparity games in supervision
What is "Discomfort with authority"?
An effective strategy for addressing situation control games
What is "Encouraging problem-solving and adaptive thinking"?
The ultimate goal of understanding supervisory games.
What is "Fostering honest, productive supervisory relationships"?