What is the staff:child Ratio of infants
1:3 and 2:7
Describe how an educator should position themselves in the classroom to ensure they can see all of the children at all times.
Staff should carefully plan where they will position themselves to protect children from harm. This includes positioning themselves to see and hear all children in their care.
The educator should always face the classroom and never have their back facing the children.
The classroom just arrived at the playground. How should the educator take attendance to ensure all of the children are there?
The educator should conduct attendance using the name-to-face method.
the world focuses on the child
Name of agency to report Child Abuse & Neglect
DCF Department of children and families
What is the staff:child ratio for toddlers
1:4 and 2:9
Children are running in the classroom
Separate the classroom into areas
Maria and Yasmin have taken their classroom of 3-year-old children to the playground for outdoor playtime. The 15-foot square playground has a plastic climber, a water/sand table, and a swing set. Maria and Yasmin stand at opposite corners of the playground so they can move quickly when a child needs assistance.
Position Staf
children have difficulty ignoring irrelevant information
attention span
True or False
A program must submit a copy of the child's injury report to EEC within 5 business days if the child receives medical treatment:
What is the staff:child ratio for preschoolers
1:10 and 2:20
What is the scan and count method?
Staff should always be able to account for the children in their care. They continuously scan the entire environment to know where everyone is and what they are doing. They also count the children frequently. This is especially important during transitions when children are moving from one location to another.
Maria and Yasmin always count the children assigned to them, occasionally raising their fingers to show each other how many children they have. They keep track of where the children are and make sure no one is missing. If one child moves to a different area of the playground, they signal to each other so they are both aware.
Scan and count
young children have a hard time stopping doing the same thing over and over
Please give 2 examples for this plan:
The licensee must consider and implement a thoughtful plan for appropriate supervision of children in public spaces.
1. assign staff to a specific group of children
2. wear name tags or other identifying clothing
3. Follow staff-child ratios at all times
4. All staff should have an emergency backpack and cell phone
What is the staff-child ratio for an infant/toddler mixed classroom?
1:3; one additional educator for four – nine children
Staff should offer support by using what they know about each child’s individual needs and development. Staff can encourage children to solve problems on their own and help them develop solutions if needed.
They can also offer different levels of assistance or redirection depending on each child’s needs.
Engage and Redirect
By remaining close, Maria is also able to redirect Adam who has never seen a sand table before and is throwing sand at his classmates.
Engage and Redirect
children have more short term than long term
List 4 items that should be in the emergency bag
1. a first aid kit; 2. current family contact information; 3. information about allergies and known medical conditions; 4. emergency or life-saving medications, such as asthma inhalers and epinephrine auto-injectors, for any children for whom they have been prescribed; 5. telephone numbers for emergency services; 6. authorizations for emergency care for each child.
What is the staff:child ratio for mixed age group toddler/Preschool?
1:5; one additional educator for six – nine children
Staff should use what they know about each child’s interests and skills to predict what the child will do next. They can create challenges that children are ready for and support them in succeeding. Staff should also be aware of changes in a child’s mood and anticipate when a child may wander off, get upset, or take a dangerous risk. Information from the daily health check (e.g., illness, allergies, lack of sleep or food) informs staff observations and helps predict children’s behavior. Staff who know what to expect are better able to protect such children from harm.
Anticipate Children’s Behavior
Maria and Yasmin also listen to be sure that they do not hear any of the children still on the playground.
children need to learn these behaviors (sharing, taking turns, helping others)
prosocial behavior
List 5 items in a first aid kit
The licensee must maintain adequate first aid supplies, including, but not limited to adhesive tape, band-aids, gauze pads, gauze roller bandage, disposable non-latex gloves, instant cold pack, scissors, tweezers, thermometer,