Should the pool gate be left unlocked?
At what points of the day do we have chofesh/menucha?
After lunch/dinner, during kibud, schiya chofshit, + extra on Shabbat
What time does shmira start?
When do we call chanichim into meals?
Once all of tzevet arrives and there is spread out around each of the tables
Should you ever be alone with a chanichol?
How many lifeguards are on duty during instructional swim/free swim?
What are some things you shouldn't do on Toran Shetach?
sleep, shower, leave, go on phone
How often do you have to do a sivuv?
Once an hour
What should you do if a chanichol isn't eating?
Remind them of the options at the meal, ask them if there's something else they want.... BE CHILL. Let their tzevet know and they can determine whether or not it is an issue/trend
What does tzevet do during bogrim chuggim, Madatz peula, sa'adnaot, etc.?
Come be a support/adult in the room, be observant but take a step back and let them try to run things without intervening. Step in if it's not going great or channies are being rude
How many lifeguards are on duty when we have a machine-wide swim?
What is something fun you can suggest the chanichim do when they tell you they are bored during chofesh?
cards, write letters home, go to beit o, sports
What time does shmira end?
What can you do if you need to get up to go potty or something?
Tell the tzevet member at the table next to yours
What should you do upon arrival to every single activity?
Count the kids and make sure everyone who is supposed to be there is there
What is pool toranut?
During every block of swim time, there are at least 2 people, in addition to the lifeguards who stay OUTSIDE of the pool to supervise.
These people should also be scanning the pool, making sure the channies are having safe and appropriate interactions with each other.
What do we ask at the beginning of each kibbud asepha?
Who is on toran at the ________?
What should you bring with you on your sivuv?
Your partner, the walkie, flashlights
When do we switch from singing yalalalalala to m'atzilenu?
Once every person in the chadar ochel has found a spot at a table
What are hygiene things that you should know/notice about your chanichimot?
when is the last time they showered, are they wearing a different outfit from the day before, did they put clothes in the wash, have they been brushing their teeth?
If I'm a lifeguard should I be on my phone?
Hell no
What is a good way to make sure you know who is on toran at your tzrif?
Make a rotation, touch base during meals, plan the next day's toran at your yeshi
What should you do at the end of the night?
Turn off all the lights, go to sleep in shmira room
What can you do if we're singing after a meal and you notice kids sitting out/wander around outside?
Check in with them, encourage them to join in even if they don't know the songs, make sure their tzevet knows if they need a min to sit outside and breathe
What do you do during kima?
Get all of the chanichimot out of bed, dressed, teeth brushed, sunscreen on, ready for the day! Get yourself ready (even wake up a couple mins early to do that).