Load Issues
OTR's/WO's / Accidents

When a TOMY driver calls in prior to the start of the tour to report they only have 2 empty moves & a bobtail, we can go ahead & cancel it.  True or False?

TRUE.  As long as there are no legs with freight on it, we can go ahead & individually cancel.


When rejecting any load, what is the first thing we should be considering?

What is the root cause for the rejection.


If a Solo 1 driver calls in to report they are not going to be able to drop the empty off due to having only 1 hour of HOS left & they want to pull over to a safe place & do their reset, is that ok?

NO.  Solo 1 has to get back to their home yard or domicile.  Driver can pull over to the safe place so we can initiate the OTR/ITR.  Also we can create a fleet net IF the driver won't be able make it back in time.


Driver calls in to report a tractor issue while in transit. The tractor issue is repairable & driver has 9 hours of HOS left, what should be created?

What is an OTR & WO for TA?


Carrier calls in to report an incident that took place for a driver over a week ago with their tractor where the smart drive was triggered, what do we need to do?

What is fill out ARC online form, call CEI to report it & create AFP Accident SIM.


When a driver calls in to report there are 2 flat tires on there tractor & they are at their home yard, which service vendor should be dispatched?

What is Goodyear.


Driver calls in to report they have not started live loading their Amazon Inbound Vendor load & past planned yard time, what should we do?

What is you should attempt contacting site or have driver bridge you with someone at loading dock.  If neither pan out, cancel for freight not ready & DO NOT re-plan.  


A solo 2 driver is dropping their customer facing load off at a site & they are supposed to be picking up an empty, they will be starting their 10 hr reset soon.  Is it ok for driver to take the empty trailer on their reset?



Driver calls in to report a mechanical issue with the tractor, CEL light is on & will not go off, driver has a loaded trailer on the back, what SIM's need to be created?

What is an OTR SIM, Fleet Net, ITR SIM (unless cb req came across on recovery wim then choose "load needs recovery in transit" from drop down menu).


Why is the percentage of 98.5% so important to ROC/DSS?

What is the goal # to reach & keep for packages to be  delivered on time or before the PDD.


Driver called in to report that during the pre-trip of the container for his CF load, the lights were not working & it's planned yard time, who should driver report the issue to first?

What is the DAB (driver assistance booth).


Dispatch calls in with the driver bridged on the line & the empty carts load is not being accepted by the site they arrived at, what should we do?

What is create a support case asking for a redirect & redirect VRID, then advise dispatch to request a call back within 15-30 for an update if no changes on tour were made.


Carrier requested call back to advise that the driver is on his way back to the yard with 100 miles to go, but only 36 in left of HOS, what should we do?

What is have the driver pull over to a safe location & then call us back so we can create OTR & Fleet Net to recover the tractor & request a Lyft be sent to pick up the driver.


Carrier calls in to place a work order for a tractor, but there is already an open work order in place for another issue, what should we advise carrier?

What is advise the carrier there is already an open work order that's ongoing, inform them you can notate the open one of the new issue that you've come across, but an additional work order can not be created until the current one is closed out.


What is something you will place on every single VIRD you touch?

What are load notes?


When a driver calls in to report a service issue with their box truck during their DDU load, are we supposed to handle the service issue, Yes or No?



When a driver or dispatch places a call back request on a no empty's VRID, but the actual issue is related to a customer facing load, what should we do?

What is place the VRID into the recovery chat to inform them of the issue.


Driver calls in to report the timing of their tour is conflicting with their reset by 15 min & their first load is customer facing, what should we do?

What is advise the driver we will put the delay into the load notes & make sure recovery is informed by posting in the recovery chat OR choosing load needs to be monitored from the drop down menu on recovery WIM.


Driver is on the New Jersey Turnpike. You have confirmed they are in a safe place and have performed S.N.A.P .Who needs to be contacted to have them towed off the turnpike?

What is New Jersey Turnpike Authority 


What do you tell your caller before you place them on hold

What is Ask for Permission, mention the Duration, state the Reason.


Dispatch calls in to report that the load is not ready for the driver & it's past planned yard time.  What should be done to confirm the load status?

What is bridge with the driver, then check SSP for load status, bridge with ship clerk/GS on site.  


Driver reports arriving to site and it is closed, but we are unable to find any information on that sites closure, keep in mind it is NOT planned yard time, what should we advise the driver?

What is please request a call back at planned yard time to be able to action anything.


Driver calls in to report they need to take their 10 hour reset & have just pulled up to the truck stop, but they do have a customer facing load on their back, what should we ask the driver?

What is have you logged off yet to start your reset?

If YES - please advise driver once reset is complete, please continue with tour as scheduled.

If NO - please advise driver to detach from trailer because there is a possibility that recovery will come & take the trailer.  If still there after reset, please hook back up to it & continue with tour.


Driver calls in to report a tractor issue while in transit. The tractor issue is not repairable & driver has 9 hours of HOS left, what should be created?

What is an OTR & Tow with FN?


What is something that we should be saying at the end of every single call back request we action?

What is "survey at the end"?
