Common Misunderstandings
Classroom Groupings, Assessment, and Growth Mindset
Accommodations and Interventions
Case Studies
What characteristics do the disorders have in common?
My child doesn't read because she is lazy. (parent)
What is a common misunderstanding about Dyslexia? What should you say to this parent?
Tier 1 instruction is for everyone in the classroom. After assessment, Tier 2 is for those who need a little bit of extra support - perhaps two to six weeks of small group instruction. Tier 3 instruction is for those students who still aren't gaining skills after small group instruction. They might have a learning disability and/or other big issues going on in their lives.
What is RTI? What should you do if a student makes it to Tier 3? What are some common reasons a student makes it to Tier 2?
* Give structure in social situations. * Explain social rules explicitly. * Provide a non-punitive quiet area for the student to work and/or calm down. * Provide non-verbal and verbal prompts to pay attention.
What are common accommodations for Spectrum Disorders?
* Kindergartner. * Only sits still for two to five minutes. * Often rocks on hands and knees on the floor. * Academically fine. * Looks tired often. * Relates well to peers.
What are Sensory Integration Issues? Or, what are sleep issues? What should you do to get this child support?
* Attention Issues. * Difficulty Learning to read. (2)
What do some students with ADHD and Dyslexia have in common? How might a classroom teacher distinguish between the two issues if a student is showing both of the above characteristics?
Yesterday, my child built legos for six hours and then played video games for two. How can you say he can't focus? There's nothing wrong with him! (parent)
What is a common misunderstanding about Attention Issues? What should you say to this parent?
pre-, formative, summative, exit card, informal, formal
What is assessment? What purpose does each type of the above assessments serve?
* Learn phonics explicitly in a step-by-step progression. * Go to Lindamood-Bell. * Take Fast Forward.
What are Dyslexia interventions? How can you support these interventions in your classroom?
* Third grader. * Reads above grade-level when reading silently. * Illegible hand-writing. * Hates reading aloud. * Inconsistent work output.
What is Dyslexia? Other teachers at the school have not mentioned this student's issues to her parents. How would you approach her parents to get her more support?
* Social Skills Issues. * Attention Issues. (2)
What do some students with Spectrum Disorders and Attention Deficit Disorders have in common? How might these issues manifest themselves differently deepening on the underlying disorder?
He's only in second grade! It used to be okay if a boy wasn't learning to read by second grade. Just leave him alone. We don't need to have another meeting! (administrator)
What is a common misunderstanding about Dyslexia? What should you tell this administrator?
Small Readiness Based Groups, Small Interest Based Groups, Pairs, Whole Group, Centers, Must Do/May Do
What are differentiated groupings? In what circumstances is it best to use each type of grouping?
* Preferential seating. * Sit on a disco-sit. * Sit near studious peers. * Take breaks to nowhere. *Chew gum. * Provide verbal and non-verbal prompts to re-direct the student.
What are common ADHD accommodations? How can you implement these in a way that doesn't stigmatize the child?
* Doesn't make eye contact. * Avoids social situations. * Reads for facts but can't make inferences or take a character's perspective. * Very high in math.
What are Spectrum Disorders? How would you accommodate for this student in your classroom?
* Inconsistent work output. * Unmotivated. * Tries to hide by being "good". * Low self-esteem. (3)
What do some students with ADHD, and Dyslexia have in common?
Over the summer, when she wasn't restricted by the classroom environment, my daughter built a rocket ship that went through the neighborhood. If you just give her the right curricula, she will be able to focus! (parent)
What is a common misunderstanding for Giftedness and ADHD? How can you support this parent in getting her Gifted student's needs met?
My daughter has always been at the top of the class! Why is she in the low math group this unit? (Parent)
What is fixed mindset? What should you say in rebuttal to this parent?
ABA Therapy
What is one of the most effective interventions for Spectrum Disorders? How might you support this therapy in your classroom?
* This student just started middle school. * This student used to get all of his work in but has recently started turning it in inconsistently. * This student started wearing his hair over his face and not relating to peers as much. * In lower school this student seemed really smart.
What is adolescence? (joke) Is this an underlying LD or ADHD that the student was able to compensate for but now that the load of middle school has risen, can no longer compensate for? What are the next steps for this child?
* Difficulty with reading comprehension after third grade. (2)
What do students with spectrum disorders, visual processing issues? How do you support this student in the classroom?
I don't understand why she has such big meltdowns when it doesn't seem like she feels anything most of the time. (bad teacher)
What is a common misunderstanding for Autism Spectrum Disorders? What can you say to your colleague?
The results of this find that: * This group of students has no idea what area is. * This group of students can find area but aren't good at recognizing when to use it in a story problem. * This group of students can find area, they can relate it to perimeter, and they know how to solve basic story problems with it.
What is a pre-assessment? How could you teach the next lesson on area to the students in this classroom?
* Medication or Meditation. * Executive Function Coach. * Strengthening automaticity of rote facts and phonics. * Strengthening underlying cognitive functions. * Tend to good sleep hygiene and eating habits.
What are some interventions for ADHD? How would the school support the family in making these interventions happen?
* Difficulty starting work. * Once started does good, high quality work. * Often misses deadlines. * Misplaces work and never knows where materials are.
What is executive disfunction disorder?
* Attention Issues. * Very Smart. * Issues with Social Skills. (2)
What do some students with Giftedness, and Spectrum Disorders have in common? What next step should you take to get a child with these issues support?