This food, usually often served with rice, is Dan Mac's favorite food!
What is sushi?
When working at Ross as a sales associate, this is how much Tatiana was making an hour.
What is 10 dollars?
Starring Liv Tyler, Ethan Embry, and Renee Zellweger, this movie is Arnold's favorite film.
What is Empire Records?
Of the 64 escape rooms they've done, Spence has only not "made it out" of this many.
What is 2?
Jellyfish Lake on Eil Malk Island in this island country is Rebecca's 24 hour ticket travel destination.
What is Palau?
Rebecca stated her favorite food was anything dark or milk chocolate, stating that this type of chocolate isn't real chocolate.
What is white chocolate?
This was James's first job. Note: it wasn't a shaker.
What is a mover?
Latto, Young Thug, and this 6'5" Irishman round out Tati's list of favorite musical artists.
Who is Hozier?
Making sense since he loves to eat it, James is great at making this food.
What is pizza?
What is Vancouver?
This associate stated their favorite food was Cold leftover Chinese food!
Who is Arnold?
In my opinion, it's the best fast food chain out there. In Arnold's history, it was his first employer!
What is Bojangles?
In this Dan Mac favorite movie, we follow Carl Frederickson and his adventures with a young boy and a dog.
What is Up?
This associate is great with the little details, as evidenced by their hobby doing micro graphic design.
Who is Arnelle?
The Arawaks were the first known inhabitants of this island nation in the Caribbean, where Arnelle would go.
What is St. Lucia?
James claimed this Italian food staple is his favorite food.
What is pizza?
After working as a babysitter getting paid under the table, her first official job was as a waitress.
Who is Rebecca?
This New York-based superhero has two movies that tied for Becca's favorite movie.
Who is Spider-Man?
Maybe surprising some folks who've ridden the elevator with them, this teammate put Being Nice to People as the hobby they'd put the most time into.
Who is Arnold?
More island nations! The Cradle of Polynesia is another term for this island country that Tatiana claims her royal lineage from.
What is Samoa?
This style of Japanese cooking on a large iron griddle is Arnelle's favorite food!
What is teppanyaki?
With since-abandoned goals to be a professional photographer, this teammate's first job was at Wolf Camera.
Who is Spence?
This entry into the Star Wars franchise is James's favorite.
What is Return Of The Jedi?
Rebecca is adept at crafting, listing painting, wax stamping, candle making, and this yarn-based craft among her many talents.
What is crocheting?
This mythical city, rumored to have been destroyed centuries ago, is Arnold's dream destination.
What is Atlantis?