Assistive Technology in School
Mid-High Tech
Learning Needs & Tools
Visual Supports
Growing Communication

"technology used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a person with disabilities.."

What is Assistive Technology?


A device that records a word or phrase to support simple communication requests.

What is a single message device?


This low-tech assistive tool provides visual cues to support a learner's transitions through the day. 

What is a visual schedule?


Core vocabulary organized for students to learn and use for functional communication. 

What is a core board?


The most important strategy to teach core vocabulary.

What is modeling?


The highest category level of Assistive Technology on the Assistive Technology continuum

What is High Tech?

What kind of vocabulary are within the folders of a speech generating device?

What is fringe vocabulary?


A learner who has this learning need will use an adapted keyboard which is a mid-tech device that helps individuals access typing skills.

What are fine motor needs?


This visual support can be created to support a learners' ability to cope through a new experience or to extinguish a behaviour. 

What is a social story?

This is the most frequent and early function/reason for communicating.

What is making a request?


The technology that may be used to aid learners in accessing the curriculum that only requires batteries.

What is Mid Tech?


High-tech communication devices that are connected to an app that allows students to create messages by using buttons from multiple categories to create simple phrases and sentences. 

What is a speech generating device?

What is TD Snap?

What is Go Talk Now?

What is Touchat?

What is Proloquo2go


This learning need is supported by this mid-tech assistive device that amplifies sounds and reduces background noise, enhancing auditory perception for individuals with hearing impairments.

What is a personal FM system or hearing aid?


A learning tool that is created as a book and has an interactive component to it so that the learner can move velcro pieces on each piece.

What is an adapted book?

The next step in growing language after a learner starts using more single words to communicate needs.

What is 2 word phrases?


Funding that is provided to school boards to assist with the costs of equipment essential to support students with special education

What is SEA or Specialized Equipment Amount?


A device that allows the learner to access a variety of tools such as toys, speech generating devices or single or dual message devices when skills such as fine motor skills are impaired.

What is a switch and interface?


This learning need is supported by a mid-tech assistive device that magnifies text and images to support reading books, newspapers, and other printed materials more easily. Answer: What is a handheld electronic magnifier or video magnifier?

What is vision?


An area in the classroom/bin system used to teach students how to complete tasks without direct adult supervision.

What are indepedent work stations or work task bins?

This is how often a learner should have an opportunity to practice a new word/ phrase.

What is many opportunities as long as they continue to be engaged!


The high tech support that transfers the learners verbal ideas to text format.

What is speech to text software?


This innovative assistive technology device allows individuals with limited mobility to communicate by tracking their eye movements.

What is an eye gaze communication system?


Vocabulary sorts are learning activities that can be created to support these learning need.

What are receptive language skills?


This is a tool used to improve daily communication with family especially when working with a learner with limited communications skills.

What is communication note home?


This is the most critical thing to consider when thinking of tasks or activities that you will do with a learner. 

What is how will I engage them or motivate them?