
 Students wore black armbands to school to protest the Vietnam War, leading the school to suspend them for violating a dress code.

What is Tinker V. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969)?


Whether the state of Maryland could tax a federal bank.

What is McCollough V. Maryland (1819)?


Drawing electoral districts primarily based on race, is subject to strict scrutiny under the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.

What is Shaw V. Reno (1993)?


The Federal Government had the right and power to set up a Federal bank and that states did not have the power to tax the Federal Government

What is McCollough V. Maryland (1819)? 


Ruled in favor of Gideon

What is Gideon V. Wainwright (1963)?


The issue was whether states must provide a lawyer to defendants in felony cases who can't afford one.

What is Gideon V. Wainwright (1963)?


The Court reasoned that state-sponsored prayer in public schools violated the Establishment Clause because it represented government endorsement of religion, breaching the separation of church and state.

What is Engel V. Vitale (1962)?


The holding in United States v. Lopez was that the Gun-Free School Zones Act exceeded Congress’s authority under the Commerce Clause, as it did not significantly affect interstate commerce.

What is United States V. Lopez (1995)?


Schenck V. United States (1919) The Court ruled that freedom of speech and freedom of the press under the First Amendment could be limited only if the words in the circumstances created "a clear and present danger.

What is Schenck V. United States (1919)?


7-2 decision in favor of the students, the court agreed that student's free rights should be protected.

What is Tinker V. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969)? 


He was appointed by President Adams, but his commission wasn’t delivered, so he sued to get it.

What is Marbury V. Madison (1803)?


The Court decided Schenck's pamphlets were a threat to national security, so limiting his free speech was justified.

What is Schenck V. United States (1919)?


The holding in McDonald v. Chicago was that the Second Amendment right to bear arms applies to state and local governments.

What is McDonald V. Chicago (2010)?


Brown V. Board of Education (1954) Separate school systems for Black students and white students were inherently unequal, and a violation of the "Equal Protection Clause" of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

What is Brown V. Board of Education (1954)?


The Supreme Court upheld the right of the newspaper to publish the material with 6 concurring and 3 dissenting.

What is New York Times Co. V. United States (1971)? 


In a 6-3 decision, the Court ruled that the President's attempt to prevent the publication was a violation of First Amendment protections for press freedom.

What is New York Times V. United States (1971)? 


Brown V. Board of Education (1954) The issue in Brown v. Board of Education was whether racial segregation in public schools violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.

What is Brown V. Board of Education (1954)?


Citizens United V. Federal Election Committee (2010) The court held 5–4 that the freedom of speech clause of the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting independent expenditures for political campaigns by corporations, nonprofit organizations, labor unions, and other associations.

What is Citizens United V. Federal Election Committee (2010)?


His argument was that this discrepancy was causing him to fail to receive the "equal protection of the laws" the Fourteenth Amendment requires

What is Baker V. Carr (1962)?


A state law requiring that children attend school past eighth grade violates the parents' constitutional right to direct the religious upbringing of their children.

What is Wisconsin V. Yoder (1972)?


Baker V. Carr (1962) In Baker v. Carr, Tennessee residents challenged the state's outdated legislative district boundaries, arguing that they diluted their votes and violated the Equal Protection Clause.

What is Baker V. Carr (1962)?


Whether requiring Amish children to attend school past eighth grade violated their religious freedom under the First Amendment.

 What is Wisconsin V. Yoder (1972)?


Congress did not have power to modify the Constitution through regular legislation because Supremacy Clause places the Constitution before the laws. In so holding, Marshall established the principle of judicial review, i.e., the power to declare a law unconstitutional.

What is Madison V. Marbury (1803)?


The majority, via Justice Black, held that school-sponsored prayer violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

What is Engel V. Vitale (1962)?

In a 5-4 decision, the Court found that when it comes to redrawing voting districts, race could not be the deciding factor.

What is Shaw V. Reno (1993)?
