
What was the relevant event that lead to the Tinker V. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969) Supreme Court case?

What is the Vietnam War.


The Nixon Administration attempted to prevent the New York Times and Washington Post from publishing materials belonging to a classified Defense Department study regarding the history of United States activities in Vietnam. What Supreme Court case was this?

What is the New York Times Co. V. United States (1971).


What was the reasoning in the Shaw V. Reno (1993) Supreme Court case?  

The Court held that although North Carolina's reapportionment plan looked racially neutral, the resulting district shape was bizarre enough to suggest that it tried separate voters into different districts based on race.


What was the decision of the court in the Wisconsin V. Yoder (1972) Supreme Court Case?

What is the United States Supreme Court found that Amish children could not be placed under compulsory education past 8th grade. The parents' fundamental right to freedom of religion was determined to outweigh the state's interest in educating their children.


What power was given to American Courts as a result of the Marbury V Madison (1803) Supreme Court case?

What is the power to strike down laws that violate the Constitution.


What led to McCulloch V. Maryland (1819) Supreme Court case?

What is Maryland imposed taxes on the Second National Bank.


In what Supreme Court case did students wear armbands in protest of the Vietnam War?

What is the Tinker V. Des Moines Independent Community School District Supreme Court case.


What was the reasoning in the decision of the United States V. Lopez (1995) Supreme Court Case?

The law is a criminal statute that has nothing to do with "commerce" or any sort of economic activity.


What case ruled that public schools cannot say a prayer after the Pledge of Allegiance because it is a violation of the First Amendment.

What is Engel V. Vitale


What previous Supreme Court case did Brown V Board of Education (1954) Supreme Court case eliminate?

What is Plessy V. Ferguson.  


What led to Schenck V United States (1919) Supreme Court case?

What is Schenck released a leaflet that claimed drafts for war were unconstitutional which the Government worried would lead to insubordination.


In what Supreme Court Case did The U.S. Attorney General rejected a North Carolina congressional reapportionment plan because the plan created only one black-majority district?

What is Shaw V. Reno


In what case did the Court find that the values and programs of secondary school were "in sharp conflict with the fundamental mode of life mandated by the Amish religion,"?

What is Wisconsin V. Yoder


What case ruled that the First Amendment does not protect the advocacy of unlawful acts according to the Espionage Act?

What is Schenck V. United States (1919)


What was the outcome of Baker V. Carr (1962) Supreme Court Case?

The Supreme Court ruled that from then on, federal courts could hear and decide on cases retaining to state issues if they went against the Constitution.


What led to the McDonald V. Chicago Supreme Court case?

The city of Chicago had strict gun control laws, which banned possessing them within city limits.


In what Supreme Court Case did a high school senior bring a gun onto school property?

What is, The United States V Lopez.


What was the reasoning behind Engel V. Vitale (1962)?

What is breaking the separation of church and state by having voluntary morning prayer in public schools after the Pledge of Allegiance


what was the decision in the McDonald V Chicago case?

In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of McDonald, holding that the Second Amendment right to bear arms is applicable to state and local governments


What additional right was given to the American people as a result of Gideon V. Wainwright?

What is all indigent defendants were provided with a lawyer in State cases


In what case was an arrested individual denied a lawyer for his court case?

What is Gideon V. Wainwright (1963)


Which Supreme Court case consolidated five cases from lower courts about segregation in schools?

What is Brown V. Board of Education (1954)


what was the reasoning in the New York Times Co. V. United States?

Justice Brennan reasoned that since publication would not cause an inevitable and immediate danger to the safety of American forces the prior restraint was unjustified.


Which Supreme Court case argued that Congress did not have the right under the Constitution to charter a national bank and could therefore states could impose taxes on it, but was ruled against saying Congress does have the right to charter a national bank and that States do have the power to impose taxes however do not have the right to impose taxes on instruments of the federal government?

McCulloch V. Maryland (1819)


What was the outcome of the Citizens united V. Federal Election Committee Supreme Court case?

The freedom of speech clause of the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting independent expenditures for political campaigns by corporations, nonprofit organizations, labor unions, and other associations.
