Who won
What caused it

Who won the case Marbury v. Madison?

Who is Marbury. He won because he decided the Supreme Court could declare if laws were unconstitutional.


In the court case Engel v. Vitale, did the supreme court rule saying a prayer at public school was constitutional or unconstitutional?

What is unconstitutional


What was the cause of New York Times Co v. United States?

It was caused by the government attempting to stop newspapers from printing secret documents from the Vietnam War. The case was the debate on whether to allow this or not. 


What amendment did the students in the Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District case used to justify their right to wear armbands in protest of the Vietnam War?

What is the first amendment


What was the court's response in the case Schenck v. United States?

The court’s response was that they said that free speech can be limited if it was a threat to national security or the country.


Who won the court case McCulloch v. Maryland?

Who is Mculloch. Because the Supreme Court states that states could not tax a national bank created by the federal government.


What act was made unconstitutional under the court case United States v. Lopez?

What is the gun- free school zone act


In the court case Gideon v Wainwright why did Mr. Gideon bring his case before the supreme court?

He brought his case before the supreme court because he didn’t receive a lawyer for his trial and the case said that everyone should have a lawyer.


Other than the second amendment, what other amendment was used to justify bearing arms in McDonald v. Chicago?

What is the fourteenth amendment


What was the supreme court's  reason for deciding that a prayer in public schools was unconstitutional in the case of Engel v. Vitale?

The court said that it was not allowed to have public schools lead in prayer because it was considered unconstitutional because it disturbed the separation between the church and the state.


Who won the court case Schenck v. United States?

United States won because the court determined that Schenck’s leaflets were a threat to national security.


How did the court case Shaw v. Reno impact racial discrimination when redistricting?

The court found that when redrawing the voting districts that race could not be a deciding factor.


What event led to the cause of the court case United States v. Lopez?

The cause of United States v. Lopez was caused by the event of a student bringing a gun to school and continued an ongoing debate on whether the federal government could determine if guns would be allowed in school.


In the court case Wisconsin v. Yoder what amendment did the Yoder family claim Wisconsin to be breaking?

What is the first amendment


Why did the supreme court allow the students to wear black armbands to school in the court case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District?

The court said that they won’t ban public school students from wearing black armbands to school to protest Vietnam because they can’t ban it just because they don’t agree with it, especially if it is not causing any harm.


Who won the court case Brown v. Board?

Brown won because the Supreme Court ruled that segregation in public schools was considered unconstitutional.


In the court case Brown v. Board of Education what was the decision made by the supreme court?

In this court case the supreme court ruled racial segregation as unconstitutional, saying it went against the idea of separate but equal and was unequal.  


What led to the court case of the Citizens United v. The Federal Election Commission?

The cause of Citizens United v. The Federal Election Commission was caused by a group of people who attempted to show a video that was critical to the candidate running before the upcoming election. People said that if this law was not allowed it invaded freedom of speech.


In the court case New York Times Co. v. the United States what were the classified documents called?

What are the Pentagon Papers


What led to the supreme court's decision in the case Shaw v. Reno that made it unconstitutional to separate the voting districts by race?

The court decided that they can’t base voting rights on race especially if it is too harsh. They had to make sure that this didn’t affect the Equal Protection Clause. They also found North Carolina’s district to be too focused on race.


Who won the court case Baker v. Carr?

Baker won because the Court allowed for voting districts to be decided by federal courts.


What was the deciding factor in the court case Wisconsin v. Yoder?

The deciding factor in this court case was how the Wisconsin school law for the amount of years of school that was 16 which went against the Amish faith that said they only need up until 8th grade, this went against the Amishs’ freedom of religion resulting in the court siding with the Yoder family.


What led to the court case of McDonald v. Chivago?

In this court case Mr. McDonald wanted to own a handgun for this protection but wasn’t able to because of the strict laws that were set in place in Chicago, so he brought this before the court saying that it was going against his second amendment right to bear arms.


In the court case Baker v. Carr what was the central question being asked?

What is, does the supreme court have the authority to intervene and review in legislative court cases


Why did the supreme court rule in favor of allowing the publishers to publish their findings in the court case New York Times Co. v. United states?

The court said that it is impossible to stop the New York Times from printing the Pentagon Papers and they protected the newspaper's right to be allowed to publish. The court sided with the rights of the publishers because of the first amendment right to freedom of speech.  
