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What did the 13th Amendment do?

It abolished slavery.


If SWISD decided to separate students based on their race and religious beliefs, but vowed to keep the facilities equal in quality, would this be okay?



What was the title of the first case where the United States had determined an act from the President as unconstitutional?

What is the Marbury v. Madison of 1803.


The Brown v Board of Education case had the objective to end segregation in __________.



When it comes to getting convicted, we are now told that we have the right to ________ ________, and if we cannot get ones ourselves, we will be appointed a _______. This is because of the __________ __________ and the __________ v _______ ________ case of 1963.

1. "The Right to Remain Silent"
2. "... will be appointed a lawyer"
3. "Miranda Law"
4. "Gideon v Wainwright Case of 1963"


Does the President have the right to stand by their right to remain silent if it is believed that they hold compromising, and possibly endangering information?


Example: Nixon though it would be unfair to have his release the "Smoking Gun" tapes because they had belonged to him, but he really didn't have any other choice but to release them.


If you are read your rights but accidentally say something that you don't want the police to know of after agreeing to the statement, would it be wrong for your words to be brought up in court?

No it would not be wrong.


What did the Supreme Court Determine for Blacks living in the United States during the Dred Scott v Sanford Case of 1857?

The Supreme Court determined that Blacks living in the United States could not be counted as Citizens whether they were born there, or if they were imported through slave trade.


What did the Regents of University of California v. Bakke case make it illegal to do?

It made it illegal for colleges to use racial quotas during the college admission process.


What did Gerald Ford do after the Watergate Scandal that many saw as a "corrupt bargain"?

He pardoned Richard Nixon, meaning he could not be arrested.


Who does the 14th Amendment give rights to?

Citizens within the United States.


You're arrested for murder -- when arrested, you are not read your rights, but when it comes to the interrogation, you are told of your rights. You then confess to your crimes.

Why is this okay.

You were not asked to make any self-incriminatory confession until the interrogation. 


The Plessy v Ferguson on 1897 brought ___________ _______ ________ laws to the United States.

Separate but Equal; Segregation; Jim Crow. (Either Answer Works)


The concept that access to safe and legal abortion is, and should be, a constitutional right is something that was argued in the _______ v ________ case, which legalized abortion across the United States.

Roe v Wade Case.


If someone comes to school with something related to propaganda that expressed hatred to a specific group of people, this is okay because of the persons freedom of speech protects them from any sort of punishment.

True or False.


Within school we have freedom of speech, but to an extent. We can not express something that encourages harm towards a specific group.


What does the Doctrine of Judicial Review give the Judicial Branch the Power to do?

It gives the Judicial Branch the power to strike down on, or get rid of, Laws and Political instances if they deem as unconstitutional, or violate the rights of the people.


Today, if we wanted to protest in a form that was not disrupting the peace in a scholastic environment, we would not be able to, because it is still inappropriate. Is this statement true or false?


If the the form of protests is not offensive or harmful, we are protected by laws enabling freedom of speech. This was fully established in the Tinker v Des Moines case of 1969.


If someone is convicted of a crime and they cannot get a lawyer for themselves, they cannot be appointed a lawyer, even if they ask for one because it is not the governments fault the individual cannot get one on their own. Is this statement true or false?



Branching off from the Plessy v Ferguson Case, which case ended the problems of the Separate but Equal laws in the Late 1950s?

Brown v Board of Education.


Who are the Watergate Seven?

The advisers and aides of United States President Richard M. Nixon who were indicted by a grand jury on March 1, 1974, for their role in the Watergate scandal
