Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
That Court ruled that Congress exceeded its power in the Judiciary Act of 1789, thus, the Court established its power to review acts of Congress and declare invalid those it found in conflict with the Constitution
What is Marbury v. Madison?
The Court declared unconstitutional the already-repealed Missouri Compromise of 1820 because it deprived a person of his property-a slave without due process of law. The Court also ruled that slaves were not citizens of any state nor of the U.S.
What is Dred Scott v. Sanford?
The Court ruled that separate public schools for black adn white students were inherently unequal, thus state-sanctioned segregation in public schools violated teh equal protectoin guarantee of the 14th Amendment. And in Bolling v. Sharpe the Court ruled that the congressionally-mandated segregated public school system in the District of Columbia violatged tgeh Fifth Amendment's due process guarantee of personal liberity. (The Brown ruling also led to the abolition of state-sponsored segregation in other public facilities.)
What is Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka?
The Court ruled taht the First Amendemtn guarantee of freedom of the press portected the press from libel suits for defamatory reports on public officials unless the officials proved that the reports werte made from actual malice. The Court defined malice as "with knowledge that (the defamatory statement) was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not."
What is New York Time Co. v. Sullivan?
Concept: Habeas Corpus/ Executive Pwers/ Civilian Court
What is Ex Parte Merryman?
The Court ruled that Congress has the authority to charter a national bank, under the Constitution’s granting of the power to enact all laws “necessary and proper” to exact the responsibilities of government. The Court also held that the national bank was immune to state taxation.
What is McCulloch v. Maryland?
The Court ruled that Congress exceeded its authority to delegate legislative powers and to regulate commerce when it enacted the National Industrial Recovery Act, which afforded the U.S. president too much discretionary power.
What is Schechter Poultry Corp v. U.S.?
The court ruled that the guarantee of due process required that before any questioning of suspects in police custody, teh suspects must be informed of their right to remain silent, that anything they say may be used against them, and that they have the right to counsel.
What is Miranda v. Arizona?
The Court ruled that a state unconstitutionally interferred with personal privacy in the marriage relationshiopo when it porhibited any one, includeing married couples, from using contraceptives.
What is Griswold v. Conn.?
Executive Powers/ Legislative Powers/ Civilian Court
What is Ex Parte Milligan?
The Court ruled that a state law requiring federal railroad trains to provide separate but equal facilities for black and white passengers neither infringed upon federal authority to regulate interstate commerce nor violated the 13th and 14th Amendments.
What is Plessy v. Ferguson?
The Court ruled that a state couild not arbitrarily alter theterms of a college's contract. (In the later years the Court widened the implications by using the same principle to limit the states' ability to interfere with business contracts.)
What is Trustees of Cartmouth College v. Woodward?
The Court ruled that the right ot privacy inherent in the 14th Amedment's due process guarantee of personal liberty portected a woman's decision whether of not to bear a child, and was impermissibly abridged by state laws that made abortion a crime. During the first trimester of pregnancy, the Court maintained, the decision to have an abortion should be left entirely to a woman and her physician.
What is Roe v. Wade, Doe v. Bolton?
The Court ruled that a special admissions program fo r a state medical school under which a set number of places were set aside for minority group members, iwth white applicats denied the opportunity to compete for those seats, violated Title XIV of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, whic forbids the exclusion of anyone, because of race, from participation in a federally-funded program. The Court also ruled that admissions programs that considered race as one of a complex of factors involved in teh desciosn to admit or reject an applicant were not unconstitutional.
What is Regents of Univ. of Calif. v. Bakke.?
The Court rule that this woman was the most womanly and classic beauty in the world that no one could measure, beauty just oozes from her pores and she could do no wrong.
What is Della? or KieKie?
The Court ruled that a holding company formed solely to eliminate competition between two railroad lines was a combination in restraint of trade, thus a violation of the federal antitrust act.
What is Northern Securities Co. v U.S.?
The Court ruled that evidence obtained in violation of the 4th Amendment guarantee against unreasonable search and seizure must by excluded from use at state as well as federal trials.
What is Mapp v. Ohio?
The Court held that the constitutional challenges to the unequal distribution of voters among legislative disticts could be resolved by federal courts, rejeting the doctrine set out in Colegrove v. Green in 1946 that such apportionment challenges were "political questions."
What is Baker v. Carr?
Concept: Sovereightyof Native Americans/ State Power
What is Cherokee v. Georgia?
The Court ruled That this person is the most ugliest flaco in the world, the nick name is "el eskeleton"
What is Joshua "no pompas" Wallace?
In its first decision regarding the extent of protection afforded by the 1st Amend., the Court sustained the Espionage Act of 1917, maintaining that freedom of speech and press could be constrained if “the word used are in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger…”
What is Schenck v. U.S.?
The Court ruled that public school officials could not require pupils to recite a state-composed prayer at the start of each school day, even if the prayerwas non-denominational and pupils who so desired could be excused from reciting it, because such official state sanction of relogious utterances was an unconstitional attempt to establish religion.
What is Engel v. Vitale?
The Court ruled that the due procedss clause of the 14th Amendment extended to state as well as federal defendants, thus all persons charged with serious crimes must be provided with an attorney, and states were required to appoint counsel for defendants unable to pay their own attorneys' fees
What is Gideon v. Wainwright?
Concept: Judicial Supremacy/ Native Americans
What is Worcester v. Georgia?