What does the title "As-Sab'a Mathani" mean?
The seven verses (repeated-revealed twice)
What should be our goal in this life?
To worship Allah.
Surah Fatiha was revealed in this city first
True or False:
If we don't say Surah Al-Fatiha our prayer isn't complete.
What does ''Alhamdulilah hi rabb al alamin'' mean?
All praise and thanks is due to Allah, lord of the worlds?
What does ''arRahman arRaheem'' mean?
The most gracious the most merciful.
''And not of those who go astray.''
Why do we ask for Allah to help guide us?
We need Allah's help to be able to do the act of worship and do it with sincerity.
When saying ''Maliki yawm al din'' what images should be going through our heads.
Images of the Day of Judgement, this verse will shake us.
Allah ______s to you at every ayah of Surah al-Fatiha!
Answer: respond
What does '' Maliki Yawmideen'' mean?
Master of the Day of Judgement.
Alhamdulilah teaches us two things towards Allah.
Thankful and Praise
What is the greatest dua we can ever make?
Ihdina sirat al mustaqeem.
What does ''Ihdina Sirat al Mustaqeem''
''Guide us to the straight path.''
What does ''Iyaka na' budu wa iyaka nastaeen'' mean?
''You alone we worship, you alone we ask for help''
What can we learn about company in the verse ''Sirat al latheena an amta alaihim''?
To have good friends.
True or False:
Allah is not being merciful when he doesn't give us things we want.
False. Allah knows what is best for us.
This Sura is a healer of all diseases with the exception of ...
How many times do we say surah al Fatiha daily?
17 times
What does ''Siratul latheena anamta alaihim'' mean?
''The path of those you have blessed/bestowed your favor upon.''
Name at least 6 of Surah Al-Fatiha's names.
What does '' Ghairal maghdoobi alaihim'' mean?
''Not of those who have earned your anger.''
How does Surah Al-Fatiha teach us how to make dua?
We are to start with glorifying Allah and then seek his help.
What is the difference between the qualities of Allah : Ar-Rahman & Ar - Raheem
General mercy like the warmth and light of the sun which shines on everyone (Rahmaan) and then His special ear marked mercy (Raheem)