Where should the surgical tech begin when performing closing counts
The operative field
What are the sequential steps performed to entrance into the sterile field
Scrub, gown, glove
What type of procedure use a uterine curette
Which portion of the small intestines joins to the large intestines
Wound dressings should be opened
after last count is completed
The unsterile size of the perimeter of a sterile wrap is
1 inch
Hank dilators dilate what
This organ produces bile
The liver
How many minutes are unwrapped instruments with no lumens sterilized at 270 degrees F
3 mins
The sterile surgical tech should drape a table from
Front to back
What type of dilator is used to dilate the male urethra
Van Buren
cutting into
To which portion of the colon is the appendix attached
Same side as surgeon
When opening a sterile wrapper, the unsterile person should open the first corner
Away from self
What clamp is most often used to grasp the appendix
surgical repair
The small intestines attaches to the posterior abdominal wall by the
The surgical pack utilized to create the sterile field should be opened on the
How long must an item be immersed in glutaraldehyde to be sterile
10 hours
To prevent density, instrument sets should not exceed
25 lbs
The outer layer of the intestines is the