Preoperative Testing
Postoperative Complications
Sites at which the aponeurosis and fascia are not covered by striated muscle can potentially cause this.
What is Abdominal wall hernias
The most common histologic type of melanoma
What is superficial spreading melanoma
ASA class of a moribund patient not expected to survive without operation (eg, ruptured aortic aneurysm).
What is ASA 5
Type and Screen check for the following
What is ABO, Rh, antibodies
30y/o female s/p ex-lap resection of ovarian mass and general surgery involvement of bowel resection. Surgery uneventfull, EBL 200cc, Surgery 6 hours. Patient is 18 hrs post op with Dyspnea, tachypnea and Saturating @85 on 100% NRB
What is Pulmonary Embolism
A small portion of the anti-mesenteric wall of the intestine is trapped within the hernia, and strangulation can occur without the presence of intestinal obstruction.
What is Richter hernia
The ABCDEs of melanoma that are used to guide diagnosis and the decision to perform a biopsy:
What is asymmetry, irregular borders, color changes, diameter greater than 6 mm, and evolution or change over time
Guidelines recommending this drug to be continued in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery who have been on the drugs chronically
What is Betablockers
WHMC Handoff process
What is SBAR : written and verbal
45 y/o male s/p Low anterior resection, EBL was 250, leak test normal. 6 hours post op, patient is tachycardic, diaphoretic with narrow pulse pressure
What is postoperative bleeding
Occurs from thrombosis of the small veins of the pampiniform plexus within the spermatic cord. This results in venous congestion and causes swolling and tender 2 to 5 days after surgery and may last 6-12 wks. Can also be due to arterial ligation.
What is Ischemic orchitis
A form of regional lymphatic metastasis in which the tumor spreads within the draining lymphatic channels and becomes evident as cutaneous or subcutaneous nodules between the site of the primary tumor and regional lymph nodes
What is In-transit melanoma
Levels of supervision
What is Direct/Indirect/Oversight
65 y/o with multiple medical problems (ASA 4), s/p cholecystectomy. Procedure uneventful. Was transferred to pacu and became hypotensive not responding to fluid management and pressors. Labs shows electrolytes abnormalities.
What is Adrenal insufficiency due to Etomidate
Formed by the periosteum and aponeurotic tissues along the superior ramus of the pubis. Posterior to the iliopubic tract and forms the posterior border of the femoral canal. Branch of the obturator artery may pass through and can lead to troublesome bleeding.
What is pectineal (Cooper) ligament
current NCCN guidelines recommendation as the two principal options for adjuvant therapy in select patients with stage II or stage III melanoma
What is interferon and radiotherapy
The American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guideline on preoperative cardiac evaluation recommends no testing for patients with good exercise capacity of at least -------------( regardless of the risk of the planned procedure
What is 4 metabolic equivalents [METs])
Duty Hours rule
What is 1 day off within 7 days work week
45 y/o morbidly obese female s/p gastric bypass revision with extensive lysis of adhesion with tachycardia
What is anastomotic leak
Desirable characteristics of a synthetic mesh
What is chemically inert, resistant to mechanical stress while maintaining compliance, sterilizable, and noncarcinogenic , incite minimal inflammatory reaction and be hypoallergenic
Growth phase that allows invasion into the deeper layers of the skin, where the tumor may ultimately achieve metastatic potential by invasion of blood vessels and lymphatic channels
What is vertical growth phase
Admitting, Consult or Upgrading a patient always requires.
What is attending notification (escalation policy)
20 y/o female s/p appendectomy, no previous surgery/anesthesia became tachypnic, tachycardic in pacu. Monitor shows high end tidal co2,patient also noted to have some muscle rigidity and fever
What is malignant hyperthermia