This medication is given if a patient develops MH
What is Dantrolene (Ryanoxex)
This is the rate of compressions during CPR
What is 100-120
This is an IV vagolytic used to treat symptomatic bradycardia in ACLS
What is Atropine
This sound is only present in partial laryngospasm and is absent if complete laryngospasm
What is stridor
Person who spent the night in jail for stealing the door off a fraternity building
Who is Doctor Lindner
This is the starting dosage of Dantrolene
What is 2.5mg/kg IV push over 1 minute
These need to be connected to perform transcutaneous pacing
What are the ZOL EKG leads
This drug is used for PEA
What is epinephrine 1mg
This surgery is associated with as high as 26.5% chance of laryngospasm in preschool aged children
What is tonsillectomy
These are two people who both have lip tattoos
Who is Sammy and Maria
Three examples of central nervous system signs and symptoms of LAST
What is: (Any three)
Lightheadedness, restlessness, confusion, tinnitus, perioral numbness, blurred vision, metallic taste.
Are the ZOL defibrillators here at the surgery center monophasic or biphasic
Your team lead tells you to administer 500mg Amiodarone during a resuscitation - what is your response
I heard an order for 500mg amiodarone, is this correct? the max dose should only be 300mg
Simple intervention not requiring any equipment that might be enough to break laryngospasm
What is jaw thrust chin lift.
This person was recruited by Harvard
Who is Jose
Medication that is given to treat LAST and where it is located in this surgery center
What is Lipid emulsions therapy, located in preop and postop Omnicell.
This is the starting joules to use for the first shock with a biphasic defibrillator
What is 120-200 joules
First line anti-arrhythmic used in ventricular fibrillation, and ventricular tachycardia
What is amiodarone
Bag valve masks live here
What is bottom drawer of bedside cabinets in phase 1 and 23 hour rooms (also acceptable answer: on the crash carts)
This person did a runway show in highschool
Who is Erich
These are examples of medications that can cause MH
Anesthetic Gas (desflurane, sevoflurane, isoflurane, etc)
First line intervention for stable narrow complex tachycardia
What are vagal maneuvers
This is the dose of epinephrine given during cardiac arrest
1mg given every 3-5 minutes
These are the two primary medications used for treating laryngospasm
What are Propofol and Succinylcholine
This person was born in Louisiana and has been to Africa 3 times
Who is Shannon