What is Az-Zaqqum?
Food for the people of hellfire
What is Sidrat al-Muntaha?
What was the relation between Prophet Musa (alayhi as-salaam) & Prophet Haroon (alayhi as-salaam)?
Which 2 surahs are for seeking protection in Allah from evil-eye & witchcraft?
Which of the following is not an example of Major Shirk?
What does Allah’s name Al-Mu’izz mean?
Whose dua Allah will not accept? 2 answers.
Who was a first cousin of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)?
Who will get their book of deeds in the right hand on the Day of Judgment?
What issue was Imam al-Bukhari (rh) born with and how as it fixed?
Who was Umar bin Abdul Aziz (r)? 2 answers.
In Jannah, what is Tuba?
What does Allah’s name Al-Ghani mean?
Which Surah was favoured over the rest of the Quran with two prostrations?
Which is not one of the rights of a Muslim upon another Muslim?
Which Surah is referred as the oft-repeating verses Surah?
Which Angel will blow the horn to signal the Day of Judgement?
What is Osama Raja's Favourite ice crream flavour?
What is it maulana?
Which Prophet (as) addressed the ruler King Nimrod?
Which uncle of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) didn’t accept Islam?
What are you not allowed to do in Sujood?
Which Surah doesn’t begin with the basmallah?
How did Abu Hurairah (ra) stop forgetting and had an amazing memory?
What is Abu Bakr (r)’s full name?
For whom is this dua for? – Rabbir Humhumma Kama Rabba Yaani Sahgeera