What is your favourite subject at school?
What is the topic of student interests?
The number of students in a classroom.
What is quantitative data?
A diary entry from a soldier during World War II.
What is a primary source?
Sampling method in which you select every 10th individual from a list.
What is systematic random sampling?
A survey only includes responses from individuals who volunteer.
What is yes, it is biased?
How often do you exercise each week?
What is the topic of health and fitness?
A survey asks participants to describe their favorite book.
What is qualitative data?
A documentary film that analyzes historical events.
What is a secondary source?
Sampling method which involves dividing the population into subgroups and then randomly selecting individuals from each subgroup.
What is stratified random sampling?
If a researcher only interviews people from one neighborhood to draw conclusions about a city, is this an example of bias?
What is yes, it is biased?
What types of extracurricular activities do you participate in?
What is the topic of student activites?
A researcher records the colours of cars in a parking lot.
What is qualitative data?
A research article based on original experiments.
What is a primary source?
Every student in a school has an equal chance of being selected for a survey.
What is simple random sampling?
A poll that intentionally asks leading questions to sway opinions.
What is bias?
How do you feel about the school's lunch options?
What is the topic of food preferences?
The average height of students in a school measured in centimeters.
What is quantitative data?
A textbook summarizing the findings of various studies.
What is a secondary source?
A researcher selects a random sample from different age groups to ensure representation.
What is stratified random sampling?
f a study's sample does not reflect the diversity of the population.
What is bias?
What are your thoughts on remote learning vs. in-person learning?
What is the topic of education methods?
When conducting interviews about people's opinions on climate change.
What is qualitative data?
A newspaper article reporting on a recent event.
What is a primary source?
EAch person who entered the draw had the same chance of winning.
The term for a systematic error that can lead to inaccurate conclusions in research.
What is bias?