What is a huge chunk of floating glacial ice?
What are the circular paths that ocean currents move in?
hadal zone
What is an area of the sea that exceeds 6,000m in depth?
What is the bathyscaphe used to first visit the deepest point in the ocean?
What is the mass of foaming water formed when waves wash up onto the beach?
Sodium chloride
What chemical forms most of the salt in the ocean?
subsurface current
What is the current that flows beneath the ocean's surface?
ocean basin
What is the term for the deep depressions that contain the ocean?
profiling float
What oceanographic tool is an automated device that drifts with underwater currents?
What is a wave that grows taller and steeper as it travels to shore and topples forward with a white crest?
What is the study of the Earth's oceans called?
The pull of the moon's gravity.
Why do high and low tides occur?
What is a huge, muddy valley that cuts into the deep ocean floor?
What is the device that uses underwater sound waves to identify objects and is also known for sound navigation and ranging?
What is the approximate percentage of Earth's surface covered by oceans?
What is the region where cold, deep water meets sun-warmed, near-surface water?
What are the large waves created by underwater disturbances?
natural color
What is the main factor that affects the color of the oceans?
oceanographic buoy
What oceanographic tool is an anchored floating observation station that takes measurements and transmits the data?
What is a flat-topped underwater mountain?
temperature and salinity
What are the two main factors that determine the density of seawater?
rip currents
What are dangerous currents formed when large amounts of water from waves surge out to sea through a gap in a sandbar?
What is the term for an underwater mountain?
niskin bottle
What oceanographic tool collects water samples from the ocean depths?
What is a circular coral-reef island that grows around an underwater volcano?