ISO 9001
Environment of Care
Quality of Care
Consistancy Customer Satisfaction Continual Improvement
What are the 3 basic fundamentals of ISO9001?
You and every one of your fellow employees
Who is responsible for safety & health in the Hospital?
D et N orske V eritas
What does DNV stand for?
On or around the last week in September 2012
When is BMH's next accreditation survey?
~Your role is needed in order to keep our promise to our community & patients. ~By practicing our organization's core values, you help acheive, continuous, patient-centered care.
What does the 3 "C"'s mean to YOU as an employee at BMHMC?
Mike Scioscia Director of Support Services
Who is BMHMC's Safety Officer?
Follow fall reduction program Participate in hourly rounding Use bed alarms when fall risk score is >45 Evaluate effectiveness of the fall program
How do we reduce risk of patient harm from falls?
An international standard by which organizations manage the quality, business, & compliance of the organization
What is ISO9001?
Pull Stations Fire Extinguishers Policies & Procedures Oxygen shut-off valve Red emergency outlets Personal Protective Equipment
What must you be able to locate in your area?
Quality Dignity Integrity Compassion Responsibility/Accountability
What are the organization's Core Values?
A national campaign to urge patients to take a role in preventing health care errors by becoming active, involved & informed participants on the health care team
What is the SPEAK UP Campaign?
Call 7333 to activate Rapid Response Team Educate patients & families about Speak Up Campaign Educate patients, families & any staff member to notify staff when there is a change in the condition of the patient
How do we improve the recognition and response to change in a patient's condition?
Deliver accessible, high quality health services in a focused, caring & teaching environment while providing health advocacy for the community and peopl we serve.
What is the Organization's MISSION STATEMENT?
~EoC/Safety & Infection Control education @ orientation ~EoC/Safety & Infection Control education required by the end of each year ~ Completion of Inservices
How am I expected to know all of these safety requirements?
~Deliver leading edge healthcare solutions through a focused & compassionate team in technologically advanced facilities. ~Achieving the capacity to invest in the future enables us to create recognized Centers of Excellence, provide a learning culture, & become the employees & patients provider of choice.
What is the Organization's Vision?
~Everyone accepts responsibility for a safe environment ~Improvements in safety emphasize systems, not people ~Emphasis is on improving reporting of safety issues ~Emphasis is on improved communication between staff at ALL levels & across the organization *************EVERYONE IS IMPORTANT*************
What are the characteristics of a Culture of Safety?