This is the most important survival need.
a) signaling
What is signaling?
This is the letter that means "help."
a) H
b) Q
c) V
What is a V?
Berries that are these colors have a 90% chance of being edible.
What are black, blue, and purple?
What is three days?
Slipknot was formed in this city and state.
What is Des Moines, Iowa?
This need comes after signaling but before food and water.
What is personal protection?
Your signal should be visible from this viewpoint.
What is a plane?
Berries that are these colors have a 50% chance of being edible.
What are orange and red?
These are two natural water sources that don't need to be disinfected.
What is rain and snow?
Slipknot is most known for performing this type of music.
What is heavy metal? OR
What is nu metal?
This need includes clothing and shelter.
What is personal protection?
This resource can be used for warmth and for signaling.
What is a fire?
Berries that are these colors have a 10% chance of being edible.
What are yellow, green, and white?
In the wilderness, it is important to conserve this instead of water.
What is energy?
Slipknot is known for wearing this item while performing live.
What is a mask?
These are the five basic needs of survival.
What are signaling, personal protection, food & water, navigation, and health?
A signal should be this many letters.
What is one?
Berries of all colors that have this formation are edible.
What is a cluster?
If there is no way to disinfect water, this is the best option.
What is drink the water?
This is the year that Slipknot was formed.
What is 1995?
Danelle Ballengee was able to meet these two basic needs.
What are personal protection and food & water?
A signal should be created with these types of lines.
What are straight lines?
In general, people can live this long without food.
What is 30 days?
If you are going for a day hike, you should bring this item with you.
What are purification tablets? OR
What is a water filter?
The number of band members in Slipknot that have died.