Personal Finance
Word Problems
Cooking 101
Safety + Life Skills

If the average salary in the US is 60,000, how much money is that each month?

$5000, before taxes


John began watching a football game at 7:15 pm. The game lasted 3 hours and 45 minutes. What time was the game over?

11:00 pm.

7:15 + 3 hours = 10:15
10:15 + 45 minutes = 11:00 pm


The temperature at which water boils

212 degrees F or 100 degrees C


What is the perimeter of a rectangle where:

2 sides are 17"

2 sides are 10"?



or (17x2) + (10x2)


An important number to call when there's an emergency.

What is 911?


You make $5,000.00 each month gross (pre-tax)
20% of that is subtracted each month to pay taxes and to pay for health insurance.

What is your "take home" pay, or the actual (net) amount of your paycheck that you receive?


10% of 5000 = 500

20% = 10% x 2 or 500 x 2 = 1000

Gross pay - deductions = net pay

$5000 - $1000 = $4000.


Jessica woke up at 6:55 am. She spent 25 minutes taking a bath and getting dressed. she took 15 minutes to eat her breakfast. It took another 10 minutes to drink her coffee before work. At what time was Jessica ready to work?

7:45 am.

6:55 + 25 minutes = 7:20 am
7:20 + 15 minutes = 7:35 am
7:35 + 10 minutes = 7:45 am


The term used to describe pasta that is cooked "to the tooth" in Italian, or with a slight bite that is not yet soft.

What is al dente?



1/2 + 1/4


To solve, express fractions with same denominator.

2/4 + 1/4 = 3/4

The safest place to go in your house in event of a tornado warning.

An 4-sided interior room with door on the lowest floor with no windows (or similar answers)


The average home price in Charlotte is 425,000. At today's mortgage rates of 7%, a 30 year mortgage, including taxes and fees would cost $2,850.00 per month. If your take-home pay is $4,000 each month, how much is leftover for all other expenses?

$1150 is what you would have leftover for all other expenses:

- Utilities, Car, Savings, Clothing, Food, Bills, Vacations, etc.


Pop Pops played the stock market with Grammy. They started with $10,000. During the first week, they made $2,800. The second week, they lost $4,700. How much money did they have after the 2nd week?



The first step of most cookie recipes is to cream these 2 ingredients together until light and fluffy.

What are butter and sugar?




Order of operations: PEMDAS

(430-310) = 120  ....Parenthesis first

120 +20 x 2 = 120 + 40 ....multiplication before addition


List any 3 expenses you have related to owning your own car?

Car payment / insurance / gas / maintenance and repairs (i.e., oil changes, annual service), annual vehicle taxes (in some states), etc.


You have $1150 leftover for all additional expenses besides your housing costs. Here are your other fixed expenses (same each month):

$300 - Car

$100 - Car Insurance
$200 - Utilities (Electric, water, etc.)
$150 - Cell Phone

How much money is leftover for food and each month? Each week?

$400 each month, or $100 each week is leftover for food. Sadly, there's no money leftover for vacation, travel, or buying toys or video games.


Mommy and daddy order 2 large pizzas, divided into 8 slices each. Daddy ate 3 slices, mommy ate 2 slices, Andrew and Ben each ate 3 slices. Matthew had 1 slice. What fraction of the pizza is remaining?


Total eaten = 12 /16, or 3/4 of the pizza

If 3/4 of the pizza was eaten, 1/4 was leftover.

1 (or 4/4) - 3/4 = 1/4


For Christmas Dinner, the Hing Family wants to invite over their friends and family for a big celebration with Prime Rib as the centerpiece.

The butcher suggests 8 oz per person. They will have 20 guests. In pounds, how large will the Prime Rib need to be?

10 pounds

8 oz = 1/2 lb or 0.5 lb

20 guests x 0.5 = 10 lb


At 8 am the outside temperature is 72 F. By 1 pm it had increased by 12 F. By 5 pm it had cooled down by 7 F. What was the temperature reading at 5 pm.

77 F.

72 + 12 - 7.


In a fire situation, what are the 3 things to do immediately?

Stop. Drop. And Roll.


Your child needs a medical procedure after breaking their arm. The hospital works out a payment plan that will cost $500 per month for one year. You will need to put the expense on your credit card since you do not have any money saved. After the year has passed, how much debt will you be in if the annual interest rate charged on your credit card is 30%?


$6000 + (30% of $6000) ....10% = $600...
$6000 + $1800


Ben wants to buy an electric scooter and Andrew wants to buy a PS5. The electric scooter costs $425. The PS5 costs $575. They both start a car washing business making $250 a week. Their business expenses are $50 a week. How many weeks will it take to earn enough money to buy their scooters and PS5?

5 Weeks

$1000 = total cost ($425 + $575)

Net Income / Week = Gross Income - Expenses
Net Income = $250 - $50 = $200
$1000 / $200 per week = 5 weeks
(5 x $200 = 1000)


What does it mean to "mince" something in a recipe?

To chop into very, very small pieces.


Andrew wants to buy a video game for $50 and Ben wants to buy a video game for $60. There's sales tax of 10%. How much money will the boys need to buy both video games?


$110 + (10% of 110) =

$110 + 11 = $121


If you're swimming in the ocean and feel a rip current pulling you out to sea, what direction should you start swimming?

Perpendicular to the current (not with it, or against it, but in a line that's 90% from the direction it's moving.
