This is the total number of credits needed to graduate HS in Philadelphia
What website can you use to help you decide which college or career best fits you?
Easy money for college that you don't have to payback
Scholarships or grants
What does GPA stand for?
Grade Point Average
Some students can go here for free and receive a 2-year (Associates) degree at the end
Community College
This is how many math credits you need
3 credits
Who should be your first points of contact when you have questions about your plans after high school?
Guidance counselor/College and Career Readiness Coordinator
The federal government and banks offer this money to help students pay for college but you have to pay it back, with interest
What does GPA show?
The average grade in all your course
You will have to meet with a recruiter and take the ASVAB test for this program
These programs are sometimes referred to as Trades. Can include culinary, nursing, plumbing, etc.
CTE (Career Technical Education)
What are some examples of Using your time wisely outside of school?
Participating in extracurricular activities
Having an after school job
This application is released every year in October and requires personal finance information
FAFSA or Free Application Federal Student Aid
Obtaining this GPA starts to unlock scholarships for college
What is a 3.0
It may take you 4 years (sometimes more than 4) to finish this program
Bachelors Degree
.5 credits is needed in this class
What is health
How can your behavior and attendance impact your high school career?
You will not graduate on time
You may miss out on college, career opportunities and scholarships etc.
A program created to give college students a small stipend while working and taking classes
Enrolling in these specific courses in HS can affect your GPA
Honors or AP
If you are applying to jobs, you will definitely need one of these documents
These type of classes are not required but needed to graduate
What are elective courses?
What are the two tests students should consider taking if they plan on going to college after high school
This is something that EVERY student needs before graduating high school
Bank Account (Checkins and/or savings)
This is how you calculate your GPA
Total Points (___)/total number of classes (___) = (___) this is your GPA
You don't need a degree for this, but you definitely want to consider some business classes or workshops