When searching for survival food, which method is less recommended? You have no special equiptment; only a knife. A. Fishing B. Hunting C. Finding wild edible plants
What is B. Hunting
What is the most important survival tool you should have? A. Knife B. First aid kit C. Fishing Kit D. Waterproof Matches E. Flint Striker
What is A. Knife
You are stranded in the desert, what do you do? A. Find the largest open area and stretch out on the ground; hoping that if a plane flies overhead, someone will see you B. Find shade and wait to be rescued C. Search for a canyon that runs downhill
What is B. Find shade and wait to be rescued
How much water should the average adult drink per day? A. 1-2 Quarts B. Less than 1 Quart C. 1-2 Gallon D. 0.5-1 Gallon E. More then 2 Gallon
What is D. 0.5-1 Gallon
How long can a person survive without food? A. Three months B. Three weeks C. Three days D. Three hours
What is B. Three weeks
While camping in the woods, you and your family are cooking some lunch. Out of the bush, a female bear and her cubs wander into your site. What do you do? A. Stay quiet, not making eye contact B. Allow your kids to begin feeding one of the cubs. C. Run and climb the nearest tree
What is A. Stay quiet and don't make eye contact.
An important survival skill is knowing how to light a fire. Fir provides warmth, light, protection from predators and a psychological boost. Which of the following items could be used to start a fire in a survival situation? A. Flint and Steel B. Ammunition C. Bow and Drill D. All of the above
What is D. All of the above
True or False In the desert, any water is good to drink.
What is False
True or False It is safe to drink the dew that has collected on leaves and pine needles.
What is True
Anyone practicing first aid must determining the priorities of treatment. What's the first priority if you found someone lying injured on the ground? A. Keep the casualty warm B. Check that the airway is open C. Stop any bleeding D. Place casualty in the recovery position E. Start chest compressions
What is B. Check that the airway is open
If lost in the wilderness, what is the first thing you should do? A. Begin yelling for help B. Sit down and relax, collect your thoughts C. Find a shelter D. Find water E. Make a signal fire
What is B. Sit down, relax and collect your thoughts
Which is a symptom of mild hypothermia? A. Hunger B. Muddle Thinking C. Thirst
What is B. Muddle Thinking
You have fallen into quicksand, what should you do? A. Slowly kick your way out B. Float onto your back, getting as much of your body to the surface as you can C. Stand up straight and wait until your feet settle on a somewhat solid area within the quicksand and then walk out
What is B. Float onto your back, getting as much of your body to the surface as you can
Finding and rendering water safe to drink is essential for survival. Which of the following methods is considered to be the best way to make water safe to drink? A. Boil it B. Just look for a running stream. If it is flowing then it is safe to drink C. Strain it through a sock lined with moss, charcoal and sand D. Leave it in the sun. UV radition will destroy any bacteria
What is A. Boil it
Your friend has been bitten by a venomous snake. You should: A. Wash the wound, stay calm and still B. Apply a tourniquet C. Apply a cold compress
What is A. Wash the wound, stay calm and still
It'sw a cold dark night in the woods after you've walked all day looking for rescue. You build a quick shelter and find yourself beginning to fall asleep. What should you do? A. Go ahead and fall asleep B. Close your eyes for 30-second intervals C. Stay awake. If you fall asleep, you may freeze to death D. Get up and start walking again
What is A. Go ahead and fall asleep
While skiing in a deserted area, you find yourself caught in an avalanche. What should you do? A. Hold you ski poles straight up so rescuers will be able to find you buried in the snow B. Discard your equiptment and use a swimming motion to stay on the surface of the snow C. Dig a hole in the snow and hide in it until the avalanche has passed
What is A. Hold your ski poles straight up so rescuers can find you buried in the snow
If you in the middle of an open area during a lightning storm, the best thing to do is: A. Crouch on the balls of your feet and put your hands over your ears B. Lay down flat on the ground C. Seek shelter under a tree
What is A. Crouch on the balls of your feet and put your hands over your ears
While scuba diving, you have been bitten by a shark. What you do? A. Punch it in the nose as hard as you can B. Keep very still C. Poke the shark in the eye with hard or sharp object
What is C. Poke the shark in the eye with hard or sharp object
True or False Plants are one of the best sources of nutrition for an ordinary person in a survival situation.
What is False
What are the two most important things you should do before you leave on your wilderness trip? A. Have a good meal B. Inform someone where you are headed and when you plan to return C. Study your maps carefully D. Pack some extra survival food E. Check the weather forecast
What is B. Inform someone where you are headed and when you plan to return and E. Check the weather forecast
If lost, why should you stay in one place? A. If you told someone, people are probably looking for you B. Lost people have a tendency to walk in circles C. From experience, wandering around just makes things go futher wrong D. All of the above
What is D. All of the above
You are lost in the desert and the temperature is continuing to rise. Your water supply is almost out. What should you do> A. Continue to drink your supply until it is gone B. Eat something, hoping that your thirst with dissipate C. Pour the water on your head to cool yourslef down
What is A. Continue to drink your supply until it is gone
If you cannot swim and you need to cross a body of water. What is your best tool? A. A large branch that you find, using it as a kickboard B. Your own pants. By filling them with air, they will act as a life jacket C. Your own arms and legs. Jump in and figure it out!
What is B. Your own pants. By filling them with air, they will act as a life jacket
You're on a commercial sight-seeing flight over the Rockies when your light aircraft develops engine failure and crashes on a hillside. Apart from minor cuts and bruises, you are uninjured but the other passangers and crew are dead. Your best chance of survival is to do what? A. Gather your equiptment and walk to safety, you're uninjured! B. Gather some wild herbs to season the co-pilot C. Get as far from the crash site as you can. It could explode. D. Scavenge survival equiptment from the wreck and remain nearby
What is D. Scavenge survival equiptment from the wreck and remain nearby