Re New Energy
Do it in the Dark
Eat your Greeners
The Hot Spot
Trans Portation
These market-based incentives support and encourage the development of large-scale renewable energy projects.
What are Renewable Energy Credits (REC's).
Student fees support these weekend benefits.
What are the Night Owl Intercity Transit runs from downtown Olympia to Campus on Friday and Saturday nights.
This practice used in the Greenery has been demonstrated to reduce food waste on campuses across the country.
What is trayless dining?
Three locations on campus utilize this practice to mitigate storm water flows and reduce potable water demands.
What is rainwater catchment at Seminar II, the CAB, and the Mulch MOD?
Though not reserved, these parking spaces are designed for alternative- powered vehicles.
What are the electric vehicle charging stations or bike racks?
This is currently Evergreen’s largest renewable energy installation.
What is the Solar Photo-voltaic array on the Library Building?
The LEED Gold Seminar II building requires users to use these tools to adjust energy usage, airflow and building temperature.
What are motion sensitive/infrared light controls, trickle vents, open windows, and hall radiators?
These containers reduce waste by providing a sanitary alternative to disposable food containers.
What are re-usable to-go containers available in the Greenery?
This green building design used on Seminar II and the Library Building slows down rain runoff and provides insulation from the sun.
What are green roofs?
Local building codes required the college to add parking spaces when the Seminar II building was constructed in 2004. Those spaces were built with a specific design feature to reduce water run-off issues.
What are permeable surfaces?
This student fee pays for Renewable Energy Credits for 100% of Evergreen’s purchased electricity, and disburses thousands of dollars in grants for resource conservation projects on campus each year.
What is the Clean Energy Fee?
Doing this will save electricity by stopping “phantom loads” when your appliances and electronics are powered down.
What is plugging them into a power strip and turning off the strip when electronics are not in use?
This student-run enterprise was started as a student activities group and now provides a unique service on campus.
What is The Flaming Eggplant?
These challenging goals, set in 2007, are requiring the college to make some fundamental changes to our habits and practices.
What are Carbon Neutrality and Zero Waste by 2020?
This resource provides alternative travel guidance from Olympia to Portland or Seattle.
What is the transit map at the Library Loop bus stop (or Google maps bicycle trail mapping, walking, or bus/transit functions)?
This on-campus practice is responsible for roughly one-third of the college’s greenhouse gas emissions.
What is combustion of natural gas for heat?
This light option offers more lumens per kilowatt than Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs, has no mercury in it, lasts 8 times longer than CFLs, and can be found in the streetlights at the college entrance.
What are Light Emitting Diode (LED) bulbs?
Though only available in key locations, this campus practice diverts thousands of pounds of waste from the landfill each month.
What is organic waste composting?
Eleven (11) campus fleet vehicles run on this different fuel.
What is electricity?
This student-initiated project, funded by a grant from the Clean Energy Committee, provides a free transportation alternative to students living on campus.
What is the Bike Share program in the Residence Halls?
This innovative heating project is used at a demonstration Modular Housing unit (MOD) to test viability for future use elsewhere.
What is the wood chip pile composting hot water project?
Sorting these materials from the waste stream diverts re-usable resources from the landfill.
What are single stream recyclables (paper, plastic, and metal), glass, and organic, compostable waste?
Chosen specifically for campus dining services, these Eco-ware products are designed to be composted.
What are cups, plates, utensils, straws, and napkins?
This installation, funded by a grant from the Clean Energy Committee, provides critical information for irrigation regulation.
What is the solar-powered weather station?
These on campus resources are freely available to bicyclists.
What are the bicycle pump stations, free storage lockers and free bike lock check-out from Parking Services, as well as bike racks, free showers at the CRC and free repair/tuning facilities at The Bike Shop?