The Senior Manager of Sustainable Community Schools and Community Schools Initiative
Who is Autumn Berg?
When is the next deadline for the implementation binder?
March 15, 2022
The SCS Pillars and Principles Live in What Tab?
Tab 1
The Tab that holds the Student Travel Policy and Field Trip Permission slips
What is Tab 9
The Professional Development Coordinator
Who is Darius Parker?
Where do I find my implementation binder?
Google Drive
Lesson Plans and curriculum live in what tab?
Tab 16
The tab that holds CPS/Org Hiring Procedures and Time and Effort Sheets
What is Tab 4
The Sustainable Community Schools Finance Team
Who are Rana Donaldson and Emily Lau?
Who belongs on the background check tracker?
ANY person being paid by the LPA with SCS funds
RCs are to expected to place surveys and evaluations in which tab?
Tab 10
This Tab holds the CPS Approved Vendors List
What is Tab 14
The Sustainable Community Schools Project Manager
Who is Jenny Vanderploeg?
How do you order supplies for SCS?
Completing and submitting the supply request form
You just decided on a new hire. Under which tab does your hiring process live?
Tab 4
Tab 17 holds the information about school based leadership, List ALL recommended members for your leadership teams
Administrator, Teachers, Other Staff, Students, Parents, Community Members, Partner Agency and Coordinator
The two Sustainable Community Schools Program Coordinators (Full Names)
Who are Susana Castro and Lala Bolander
What is the purpose of the implementation binder?
To keep you on your toes
Where do CPS policies belong?
Tab 18
Tab 11 Holds the CPS Volunteer Policy, State the purpose of the policy
This policy shall: (1) ensure that prospective volunteers are properly vetted and approved annually, (2) ensure that volunteers do not pose undue risk to the health and safety of CPS students and (3) make clear that CPS Principals are responsible for ensuring that volunteers are properly supervised while serving as volunteer