If you know what to focus on and what to ignore, you have good ________________ attention.
Amateurs don't know what to ___________ on, so they try to pay attention to many different things.
This former Broncos quarterback has excellent selective attention.
Peyton Manning
We improve what we ________________.
If you have difficulty setting priorities when you have a lot of things to do, you may have a weakness in ________________.
As you read more articles online, you learn to ignore the irrelevant or unimportant pieces of the experience. This is known as banner ______________.
Experts focus on what helps them get _______________.
Peyton Manning can make snap decisions that are based on thousands of hours of ___________________.
experience or practice
Performance measurement is important because it helps us prove whether or not we are making ________________ in life and work.
If you have a short fuse (and get easily frustrated), you may have a weakness in ________________ ________________.
emotional control (regulation)
The idea that you can focus on one part of an experience and ignore others is called the "cocktail _______________ effect."
Experts don't rely on hacks to perform well. They focus on _______________ and consistency.
When LeBron James wants to increase his recovery and physical performance he sleeps for _____________ hours.
The only way to figure out what works and what doesn't is to measure your ________________.
If you remember your assignments and don't easily lose or misplace your belongings, you may have a strength in ________________ ________________.
working memory
The "cocktail party effect" is named after the idea that your brain can pay attention to a single ________________ while standing in a crowded room full of people talking.
Experts stick to the _______________, but amateurs let life get in the way.
When Kobe Bryant wanted to improve his skill set, he shot ___________ times each morning.
If you want to get better, then practice consistently and measure __________________. Use your feedback to figure out what is working and what isn't.
If, during an argument, you stop to consider what you have to say, you may have a strength in ________________ ________________.
response inhibition
Selective attention helps you filter out the ______________ and focus on the signal.
Experts know what is _______________ to/for them and work towards it with purpose, while amateurs get pulled off course by the urgencies of life.
important (to)/successful (for)
Top performances measure from a place of _______-________________. They measure to get to know themselves better.
Everything that Peyton Manning does is ______________. How many interceptions he throws. How many touchdowns he throws. How many passes he completes.
This is the capacity to have a goal, follow through to the completion of the goal, and not be put off by or distracted by competing interests.
Goal-directed persistence