You hear a loud hiss from behind you, what should you do?
Back away slowly, Alligators have no natural predators but have adapted to be afraid of humans, if they still don't back down, run away. Not in a zigzag, it will still run straight, and you'll look like an idiot.
Alligators are afraid of humans, even though they have no predators in the wild, id this behavior learned or innate?
This behavior is innate because most species, predator or prey, are afraid of humans.
Cottonmouths are quite common in Louisiana, but they are solitary, this leads them to compete for food, mates, and territory. How does this limit population growth?
Since they fight any time they interact with eachother, while also worried about predators, their species is more limited to resources than other snakes in that so not compete as much.
Spanish moss. Abiotic or biotic?
Alligator gar have thin bodies. How does this help them?
It helps them to swim faster.
You feel the ground shifting beneath you because it is made of...
A thick layer of moss on top of water.
If humans left this biome, the native species would be able to flourish, true or false.
true, wetlands are one of the most resilient biomes without human interference.
Symbiosis is a prolonged relationship between animals of different species. There are three types, mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism, which are each of these examples? -Cypress trees and Spanish moss -Honeysuckle and Hummingbirds -Catfish and leeches
-Commensalism; the host tree is unaffected by the moss, which uses the tree to reach sunlight and get nutrients.
-Mutualism; the bird eats the nectar and the plant's pollen is spread when the bird moves to the next flower.
-Parasitism; The leeches stick to and suck the catfish's blood, harming it, while the leech gains.
Water. Abiotic or biotic?
Mosses are good at filtering out water. Why?
Because the swamps are very thick
Alligators adapted this unique trait to help them see clearly in the murky, dark swamp water.
What is a third eyelid?
Humans have introduced many invasive species to wetlands, notably a large semi-aquatic rodent with destructive feeding habits called what?
Nutria, introduced from South America for their fur, have effectively invaded coast-to-coast, destroying habitats and food chains while killing native plant species.
Alligators and bass. Frogs and insects. Snapping turtles and gar. What are the relationships between these animals?
Predator and prey
Soil PH. Abiotic or biotic?
Cyprus trees have a cavity between their roots. This cavity does what?
It protects animals
These invasive flowers from Japan are known for their sweet taste, fragrant smell, and out-competing native species across the southeastern US.
What is the Japanese Honeysuckle?
Humans have affected the Earth in several ways, a prime example being climate change, leading to more extreme high and low temperatures, what events specifically caused by climate change most severely affect this biome?
In the swamp algae and the Cyprus tree are the primary producers. What impact do they have on the food chain?
All energy in an ecosystem comes from the primary producers.
Rocks. Abiotic or biotic?
Trees in wetlands have a special adaptation that helps them absorb oxygen from the water, what is it called?
Adventitious roots.
A delicacy in southern Louisiana, known for its tender meat and slightly fishy chicken flavor.
What are frog legs?
If laws limiting the hunting of Alligators in Louisiana were abolished, and Alligators became an endangered species, what would likely be the effect on the habitat?
Is spanish moss a parasite?
Shells. Abiotic or biotic?
Many animals in the swamp have webbed feet for what?
swimming faster.