What is Prinsesstarta?
Why are fish so smart?
Which sea surrounds Sweden and is where they get a lot of their fish from?
What word do the Swedish people use instead of saying oops or sorry?
What is Godis?
What do fish take to stay healthy?
What does the word incubate mean?
What do Swedish people do with their shoes before they enter a house?
What is Filmjölk?
Why do fish always know how much they weigh?
How can we tell if a fish egg is incubated?
What is the only type of coffee that Swedish people drink?
What is a Kanelbulle?
What did the shark say after he ate a clownfish?
What is one method to get the eggs and sperm out of the fish?
What do Swedish people do when they see their neighbors or people that they know?
What is Husmanskost?
Why do fish always lose their court cases?
What is Surströmming?
Why do the Swedish people keep crisp bread in the bottom of their boots when they go walking through the forest?