This sweet has a very strong and funny taste
Dark Chocolate
The color of this sweet is a lightish brown
This sweet starts with C ends with an E
Hint: It has two syllables
This sweet could taste like Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Mint Chocolate Chip, and Rocky Road
This sweet looks like an egg or sometimes a flat egg
This sweet starts with a C ends with E
Hint: First part rhymes with hook
This sweet has a sour taste and it comes in cake
Lemon Cake
This sweet looks like a bear but sometimes a worm, or even a cherry
This sweet is two words first on starts with a C ends with an E second word starts with an A ends with an E
Chocolate Apple
This sweet tastes like blueberry, watermelon, grape, green apple and cherry
Jolly Ranchers
The color of this sweet is often red and white
Candy Cane
This sweet starts with a N ends with an E