What are the 4 steps of effective teaching?
Explain, Demonstrate, Practice, and Feedback
how many whistle blows would indicate a major emergency?
2 LONG whistle blows
What does EAP stand for?
Emergency Action Plan
*Bonus point if you can name the 3 locations they are found*
What is the 10/20 standard rule of protection?
10 seconds to identify the GID & 20 seconds to respond
What age range do we teach for swim lessons?
4 months to 12 years old
What is the LAST level where we practice a "fun skill"?
*Pro 1 & Pro 2 practice continuous circle swimming*
How far must a GID be from the water when extracted?
6 feet from body of water
What does RICE stand for?
What are the general steps for a nosebleed?
1. Glove up
2. Get tissues or gauze to stop bleeding
3. Have guest pinch the bridge of their nose and lean FORWARD
4. Check every 5 minutes and replace bloody tissue until there is no more bleeding
5. If bleeding worsens or does not stop notify guardians and CALL 911.
What is the price point for our GROUP lessons?
$31 per lesson
At what level do we start introducing Treading and for how many seconds?
Glider 2 for 30 seconds
What are the ratios for rescue breathing for ADULTS?
1 breath for every 5 pumps
What is the acronym we use for internal bleeding such as bruising?
What type of drowning occurs when the victim struggles quickly and silently beneath the surface of the water?
Passive Drowning
What is the name of the program we have for our kiddos with special needs?
Golden Learners
What drills are included in a Pro 2 GREEN week?
Reminder: There are 2 strokes we focus on during this week, and you must name ALL the drills
Butterfly Drills
- 1 arm drill
- Thumb tip drag drill
Backstroke Drills
- 6 Beat kicks
- 1 stroke & 6 Kicks
What rescue technique is used for a guest on the surface of the water facing away from you?
Rear Hug
What does the Acronym DOTS stand for?
D - deformities
O - open wounds
T - tenderness
S - swelling
What are the zones of protection when we have 2 lifeguards?
Primary Guard - Half of the pool closest to the mural
Secondary Guard - Half of the pool closest to the window
[Pool is divided vertically]
What teaching style is our entire curriculum based on?
Hint: There is a poster about it in Jovon's office
The Science of Swimplay
What are the End Goals for a child in a Junior 1?
Must state whether each skill is assisted or unassisted
Dips (A) 30 seconds
Superman Glide (U) 5 ft
Sea Otter (A) 5 seconds
Octopus (A) 5 seconds
Pulling Paddles (U) 5 ft
Simple Rollover Breath (A)
What is the rescue technique used when a guest is actively in distress on top of the water facing towards you?
Front Dive
What is the acronym and the meaning of the word we use when recognizing and caring for a stroke victim?
F- facial droop
A- arm weakness
S- speech Difficulty
T- time to call 911
This medical device is designed to analyze the heart and deliver electric shocks to victims of ventricular fibrillation to restore the heart rhythm, what is it?
AED - Automated external defibrillator
What other programs do we offer OTHER THAN swim lessons?
Family Swim, Birthday Parties, and Jump Start Clinics