Which state is #1 in swine production?
What is Iowa?
How many days is gestation length?
What is 114 days?
What is Iowa known as in market hogs?
What are the 2 main goals of biosecurity?
What is to keep diseases out and to keep disease outbreaks from spreading?
T/F: Horses aren't the most globally diverse usage of livestock.
What is false?
List these counties in order from highest to lowest in swine production: EU, US, China.
What is China, EU, US?
What production system is multi site and can be family owned?
What is farrow to finish?
T/F: There are more pigs born in Iowa than market hogs are finished.
What is false?
What is the practice where cleaning and disinfecting occurs between groups?
What is All-in/All-out?
List the countries in order of most to least number of horses: Argentina, China, Mexico, US, Brazil.
What is US, Mexico, China, Brazil, Argentina?
Which country consumes the most pork?
If a sow has 2.3 litters/year and 11 pigs/litter, what is her PSY?
What is 25.3 PSY?
In a finishing production system, what does the farmer own?
What is the barns?
When visiting different swine farms, what should visitors do between the farms?
What is have a downtime between locations?
What country is the largest importing country of horse meat consumption? Largest exporting country?
What is Italy and Argentina?
What are the top 3 exports for US pork?
What is Mexico, Japan, and China?
In order to maximize productivity, what else needs to be maximized?
What is management, nutrition, health, and genetics?
Why are so many hogs finished in Iowa?
Why is biosecurity a concern with farrow to finish production systems?
What is because young pigs have poor immune systems?
What do 85% of horse owners in the US do with their horses?
What is recreational riding?
Which primal cut is the highest export percentage?
What is Picnic?
Draw on the board the maternal reproductive cycle.
*Answer on board.
Draw on the board the market cycle.
*Drawn on the board.
What happened in 2013-2014 with litter rates?
What is PEDv outbreak?
What controversial act made it illegal to hunt wild horses from vehicles on federal land?
What is the Wild Horse Protection Act (1959)?