Sweitzer and King Book Chapter 10
Walsh- Ch.2 The Importance of Closure
Walsh- Ch.3 Tasks for Ending
Planned Client Termination: It’s Hard to Say Goodbye

Students often liken this time in the internship to that point in an air flight when the plane is no longer ascending and begins to level off.

Cruising affect: The intensity of increasing awareness, accelerated learning, knowledge, understanding, and responsibilities plateau, and you settle into a rhythm of working that is more realistic and predictable.


The term "closure" characterizes an ending in which the practitioner have the opportunity to.. (there are 5, give just one)

1. Bring their work to a mutually understood end

2. Review positive / negative aspects of their work

3. Identify not merely what the client has learned, but what they each learned from the clinical process

4. Perhaps acknowledge mutual feelings about the relationship

5. Mutually experience an enhanced willingness to invest in future relationships, ect.


Clinical intervention includes at least 4 phrases..

Assessment, planning, intervention, and ending


When should the conversation about termination begin in therapy?

The conversation about termination should begin early in therapy, ideally in the first session, so clients understand that therapy is a time-limited process with a goal of independence.


This is known as the "competence stage"

The Competence Stage is often a time when interns are able to differentiate more clearly between what is and is not important to their work.


Give 2 items out of the "checklist" items for practitioners that helps determine whether the intervention was positive or negative for the client..

1. Does the client show positive changes, such as fewer symptoms, fewer problems, improved behaviors, greater knowledge, and more stable moods?

2. Is the client satisfied that he or she got what he or she came for (whether or not the practitioner thinks the client got what he or she needed?)

3. Is the client interested in working toward any new postintervention goals on her own?

4. Does the client understand what he or she was doing prior to the intervention?


There are many common themes on theories of termination. What is the example the chapter gives?

The process of ending is giving the client a "mini life review" touching on the clients past, present, and future.


Why is reviewing progress an important part of the termination process?

Reviewing progress helps clients recognize their growth, build confidence in their ability to continue without therapy, and reinforce the skills they have learned.


There are three sources of fulfillment that nurture the emotional experience of feeling one’s success 

worthwhile work, responsible relationships, and self-defined success


In case study involving Allison, what three characteristics of closure are evident? 

1. underscored her awareness the work was ending, and she wanted to recognize this in a special way.

2. It was a personal item, symbolizing she was satisfied with the experience / relationship with the practitioner.

3. The practitioner stated directly that this experience was highly rewarding and in that way contributing to her career motivation.


What did Fortunes (1985, 1994) research find on clinical endings?

Found that practitioners based their decisions to end on various indicators of improved client behavior and intrapsychic functioning (representing external and internal changes), goal attainment, and change in focus of intervention toward topics less related to the presenting problem.

What are some emotions that clients might feel during termination?

Clients might feel sadness, fear, anxiety, or even excitement and pride about their progress.


What about those of you who, instead of feeling the success you are achieving in your internship, are experiencing something that feels close to anxiety? This is known as..

Known as or may be feeling achievement-related anxiety.


In the case study "The Pregnant Therapist," what two factors facilitated a "clean break"

1. Practitioner was beginning her maternity leave immediately afterward and would not be available for contact for quite some time.

2. The clients states their desire to end.


What did Webb (1985) say about termination?

Even in Crisis intervention, however, practitioners should build ample time for endphase activities.


How can therapists help clients prepare for life after therapy?

Therapists can help by discussing coping strategies, creating a plan for maintaining progress, and providing referrals or resources if needed.


The sense, as you enter the last half of the internship, that all your commitments to the internship, other campus work, job, and family are “just too much.” This is known as..

"The Crunch"


In the case study "a second chance for closure," what did the practitioner experience when Zak was in and out of consciousness?

She wanted to say "I love you." She was experiencing a personal vs. professional struggle.

How many sessions did (West, 1994) recommend before announcing end of intervention?

At least four sessions before the final meeting 


What is one way to make the termination process a positive experience?

One way is to celebrate the client’s achievements and acknowledge their hard work, helping them leave therapy feeling empowered and prepared.
