Bed Check Policy
Headcount/Supervision Policy
Recreation/Leisure Policy
Incident Report

How long are bed check logs stored for?

¿Durante cuánto tiempo se almacenan los registros de cheques de cama?

50 years.


What does ORR stand for?

¿Qué significa ORR? 

Office Of Refugee Resettlement 


What is large muscle activity?

¿Qué es la actividad de los músculos grandes? 

Physical Activities that require the engagement and utilization of the body larger muscle groups. 


Where do we go to do the incident report?

¿Dónde nos dirigimos para hacer el reporte de incidencias? 



How much time do we have to enter a room without a witness?  

¿Cuánto tiempo tenemos para entrar en una habitación sin una testigo?



If we make a mistake on the bed check log, what do we do? 

Si cometemos un error en el registro de control de la cama, ¿qué hacemos?

We circle it and write it correctly underneath.


What Is Rolling headcount?

Que es rolling headcount? 

Staff conduct rolling headcount when transitioning children to other areas.


What is the minimum per day of large muscle activities?

¿Cuál es el mínimo diario de actividades de músculos grandes?

1 hour per day


What does BMS stand for? and what is it used for?

¿Qué significa BMS? ¿Y para qué se utiliza?

BMS= Behavioral Management system 

BMS is used to help the staff see what consequence are going to be followed by the youth. (they write it on the IR)


What is a Visual Sweep?

¿Qué es un barrido visual? 

Visual sweep are performed whenever children are transitioning. Visual sweep is to ensure no child is left unattended.  


What does AZDCS stand for?

¿Qué significa AZDCS?

Arizona Department of Child Services


What is the new policy transporting children in the elevator?  

¿Cuál es la nueva política de transporte los niños en el ascensor?

At minimum, Two (2) staff are required to transport children on an elevator. 


Are staff able to participate in physical activities?

¿El personal puede participar en actividades fisicas?

Only by demonstrating techniques or rules, as well as encouraging participation. 


Do you write an IR in 1st person?

¿Escribes un RI en 1ª persona?

No. It is written in 3rd person. 


For Large muscle activity during the holidays or when school is not in session. Do the hours increase? if so, how many hours is it?  

Para la actividad de los músculos grandes durante las vacaciones o cuando la escuela no está en sesión. ¿Aumentan las horas? Si es así, ¿cuántas horas son?  

Yes, they get 2 hours. 


If a child is fully covered, are you allowed to uncover them? If so, how?

Si un niño está completamente cubierto, ¿se le permite descubrirlo? Si es así, ¿cómo? 

Yes, you can uncover them if you can't physically see them. You will uncover them from head to toe. (OF COURSE WITH A WITNESS!!!) 


What is the correct way when transporting the youth?

¿Cuál es la forma correcta de transportar a los jóvenes?

Line up the youth in a single file (males in front, females in the back) Verify HC. A staff standing in front of the line than 8 kids(repeat). Staff must remain behind the children and request that they stop at each landing point if you lose eyesight. 


How do staff position themselves when children are engaging in recreational/leisure activities?

¿Cómo se posiciona el personal cuando los niños participan en actividades recreativas/de ocio?

Staff will position themselves in designated areas to ensure adequate supervision of the children. 


What are three steps that are on the IR form?

¿Cuáles son los tres pasos que se encuentran en el formulario IR? 


-youth involved 

-type of incident

-staff involved

-describe incidents 

-incident location/time 

- date/interpretation needed

- follow ups/corrective action 


Should your IR be reviewed and approved by a SL before submitting it on ETO?

¿Debería su IR ser revisado y aprobado por un SL antes de presentarlo en ETO?

Yes. Once your IR is submitted, it cannot be edited so it must be revised beforehand. 


After how long of a child being in their room is a bed check log required to be started?

Bed checks are required while children are in their room for any period that exceeds 20 min. 


What is the process when a child is removed from class during the day?

¿Cuál es el proceso cuando un joven es retirado de clase durante el día?

Every department uses a tracking system (a card) which includes the child's name, and the department that is picking up the child. 


How is the requirement for large muscle activity met in LTFC?

¿Cómo se cumple el requisito de actividad muscular grande en LTFC?

Through participation in extracurricular activities organized by their public school, weekly outings scheduled by SWK, physical exercise during school hours when school is not in session (such as holidays, non-school days, or early release), and optional unsupervised outings (such as parks, and libraries).


What kind of privileges are able to be taken away from the youth?

¿Qué clase de privilegios se les pueden quitar a los jóvenes?

Recreational outings (tournaments, movies, parks, etc)


If headcount is not clear after two times, what happens?

Shift supervisors and PD have to be notified immediately. 
