The cost to print/photocopy a color page
30 cents
The fee for the library resources
The sticker with lines to scan and check out something
a barcode
To use the work of another person as your own
The ID required to check out a book or other library resources
SWTJC library card/Smart card
The replacement fee for a student ID
the 1st ID is Free and replacement is $25
Two ways to use library resources
online and in-person
The date you MUST bring back the things you checked out
due date
Name two types of sources you can use in a research
Book, database, e-book, journals, ect
Check out a Chromebook you must first
submit a Chromebook quiz
The Library opens on Sundays at
1 pm
To login the library database you need
student email
The extension given on a loan
loan renewal
To find a Proquest article go to
library database
The maximum amount of books students can check out at one time
Six books
The length of time books can be checked out
3 weeks
Three resources that can be found at the library are
Books, Chromebooks, computers, e-books, journals, magazines
The number in a book spine is
call number
Research is
gather information to answer a question
Late fee for Chromebooks
$15 a day
To use a study room
study rooms need to be booked online
What are Flipster resources?
Online Magazines
The library system used to organize books in the library is
Dewey Decimal Classification
A style of referencing used at the college
MLA , APA , Chicago
Name two types of loans you can only use in the library
study rooms, games, reference books, headphones, computers, printer