The name of the ELA HQIM for grades 3-6.
What is Expeditionary Learning or EL?
Greentop, Snakebench, Playground, Outdoor Classroom
What are the 4 outdoor spaces at the Conley?
Responsive Classroom
What is the name of the Program from which our Morning Meeting comes?
What time do students begin entering the school?
Respectfully and calmly
What is how should staff interact with ach other and students?
The name of the ELA HQIM for grades K0 - 2.
What is Focus curriculum?
PE and Recess
What is the Greentop used for during the day?
30 minutes
How long is Morning Meeting?
Greeting students
What is an important role the teacher has as students enter the classroom?
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
What does BPIS stand for?
Discovering Justice
What is the name of the Social Studies curriculum for K2 - 2nd grade?
Students plant flowers and plants here.
What is the outdoor classroom?
All grades K0 - 6
What grades should follow the Morning Meeting protocol?
The time morning work is over
What is the acronym for culturally and linguistically sustaining practices?
The only online math program that classes will engage with.
What is IXL?
When should you submit a request to use one of the outdoor spaces for a lesson?
RJ circles and SEL lessons
What other activities can be done during Morning Meeting?
What tardy students need
What is a space to eat breakfast in the classroom?
Don't stop believin' is this classroom teacher's choice for a walk on song.
Who is Mollie?
The name of the Social Studies HQIM in grades 3-6.
What is Investigating History?
Not during lunch and recess
When are students are able to have extra recess they have earned?
8:30 a.m.
What time does Morning Meeting start?
Danicing Queen is this classroom teacher's choice for a walk on song.
Who is Kim?