When is my birthday?
April 25th, 2003
What is my favorite book series?
The Poppy War series
What was my favorite subject in school?
This pickle received a perfect score.
Famous Dave's Sweet and Spicy
Synonymous with doormat
Triple Sheep
My sister lives in Boston and attends Northeastern University. What's her name?
What book(s) am I studying for my independent study?
Jane Eyre
What is the name of the high school I attended?
Urbana High School
Every seven days, what do I look forward to?
Corrections with Seth Meyers
When someone says something blatantly incorrect...
What is my middle name?
How old was I when I learned how to read?
I once got lost in the forest of mountain my high school faces. What is the name of that mountain?
Sugarloaf Mountain
How many years have I been crocheting?
five years
These are people that I haven't spoken to in a while, but sometimes still think about.
How many cousins do I have?
During COIVD I wrote a 100,000 word apprentice novel. What Biblical allegory did it center?
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
In my junior year of high school what did I almost get hit by?
A train
I know every word from this monologue. What is it?
Elizabeth's monologue from Mr. Darcy's first proposal in Pride and Prejudice (2005).
It's time to leave!
"Let's gather up the geese and get the flock out of here."
How old was I when my parents got divorced?
I accidently stole this book.
Voices of Revolution by Rodger Streitmatter
I didn't go into college as a Journalism or Literature major. When I was applying for schools, what did I apply as?
I hate this company.
My go to started for any dating app.
"What are your thoughts on the Industrial Revolution?"