The vowel sound in shred
What is e as in ed?
The vowel sound in wave
Double Jeopardy!
What is a as in safe?
The vowel sound in he
What is e as in Pete?
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ar, car, ar
Name the vowel sounds for a
a, a
The vowel sound in skid
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What is i as in itch?
The vowel sound in ride
What is i as in pine?
The vowel sound in gof
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What is o as in home?
er, her
Name the vowel sounds for e
e, e
The vowel sound in bask
What is a as in apple?
The vowel sound in mole
Double Jeopardy!
What is o as in home?
The vowel sound in fry
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What is y as in cry?
Double Jeopardy!
ir, bird, ir
Name the vowel sounds for i
Double Jeopardy!
i, i
The two vowel sounds in slingshot
Double Jeopardy!
What is i as in itch and o as in octopus?
The two vowel sounds in namesake
What is a as in safe and a as in safe?
The vowel sounds in rotate
Double Jeopardy!
What is o as in home and a as in safe?
or, doctor
Name the vowel sounds for o
Double Jeopardy!
o, o
The two vowel sounds in trumpet
Double Jeopardy!
What is u as in up and e as in ed?
The two vowel sounds in fireside
Double Jeopardy!
What is i as in pine and i as in pine?
The vowel sounds in migrate
What is i as in pine and a as in safe?
Double Jeopardy!
ar, beggar
Name the vowel sounds for u
Double Jeopardy!
u, u, u