You get two of these per quarter.
What are bathroom passes.
What is Countdown from three OR Clap it quiet.
The first Classroom Expectation
What is Have Respect for Others
How much is quarter 1 and 3 of your semester grade?
What is 40%.
What do you text to get added to the class alerts and updates?
What is _____________________ (your period number code).
This will not be tolerated and will receive a 0 credit.
What is cheating on an assignment.
Hold this up in the air if you need to sharpen it.
What is your pencil.
The third Classroom Expectation
What is Come Ready to Learn
How much is the final of your semester grade?
What is 20%
Name 3 priority classroom materials
What is Binder, folder, paper, pencils, highlighters, sticky notes.
These are okay unless specified by Mrs. Slagle
What are hats and hoods.
What is phone goes on Mrs. Slagle's desk until the end of the period.
What are you not to rob from other students
This is 30% of your grade categories.
What is Process.
What two novels are we reading this year?
What are The Hunger Games and Monster/The Merchant of Venice
You are responsibly to check bin for this.
What is absent work.
Hold one hand up in the air and ___________ if you need a tissue.
What is touch your nose with the other hand.
What are you to do if you're having a bad day?
What is Let Mrs. Slagle know.
What number is "Almost meets expectations" on the grading scale
What is 3.
What is one consequence of meeting or exceeding the expectations of this class?
List one.
Only accepted during the unit of study.
What is late work.
What is my personal encouragement to each of you
What is to take the progess time seriously, so that you mare more than prepared for the products (assessments) you will produce.
What have a purpose in life?
What are trashcans?
What do you need in order to meet the 10% AR reading goal.
What can you earn with BHAG tickets? List all options
Glitter pound, positive call/note home, Launch passes, Mrs. Slagle buys you a book of your choice