What is Ms. Wilkerson's email address?
How much are quizzes worth in this class?
15% of your grade
Does cheating include "sharing answers?"
List the 4 classroom expectations.
show respect, always communicate, be prepared, try your best
When we study the Hebrew Scriptures, what will we pay particular attention to?
the four covenants
How much are tests and papers worth in this class?
45% of your grade
Google Classroom
What is the first step in Ms. Wilkerson's Classroom Management Plan?
verbal warning
the Christian New Testament
When are you REQUIRED to re-take an assessment?
when the score you earned was less than 70%
What is the penalty for cheating?
At what point is an infraction logged in BehaviorFlip?
Step 3 (with parent/guardian contact)
Ms. Wilkerson does not check her email after this time Monday-Friday.
A student has a 1.5" binder with Religion and English materials. According to the syllabus, has the student followed Ms. Wilkerson's directions about required materials?
How should you get the notes if you are absent for class?
from a classmate
Where will all of the steps in the Classroom Management Plan be documented?
If you email Ms. Wilkerson after 5:00pm Monday-Friday or on a weekend, when can you expect a response?
at the start of the next business day
Work that is more than _____ late will not be accepted.
5 days
If you are confused about the notes that were taken or work that was done when you were absent, what should you do?
schedule an Office Hours appointment with Ms. Wilkerson
What is the final step in Ms. Wilkerson's Classroom Management Plan?
referral to the Dean of Students