Course Basics

Ms. Daigle will respond to emails within ____ between the hours of ____. 

Her policy for responding to emails after Friday afternoon is that ____.

48 hours. 8:30 am-3:30 pm (i.e., 15:30). 

I shouldn't expect a response till the following Monday morning.


The number of major assignments this semester.



The campus facility I need to contact for learning support accommodations and their phone number.

Student Disability Center: 970-491-6385


The title of our course textbook is ____.

I am expected to spend this many hours per week for this course, including class hours ___.

Bullock, Richard, et al. The Norton Field Guide to Writing with readings. 6th ed., W.W. Norton & Company, 2022.

9 hours. 


The names of the major assignments this semester. 


Cover Letter

Research Compilation 

Researched Argument Paper

LinkedIn Profile


The two ways I can receive extra credit in this class.

If I attend the writing center for reviewing my major assignment and have them send an email to Ms. Daigle. 

The final Jeopardy game at the end of the semester.


Ms. Daigle uses this medium to communicate to us regularly. It is also where we can find access to our weekly course readings, assignments, etc. ____. 

Office hours are during open on ____ between ___ in ____.


MWF, 10-10:50 am, Eddy 324


Outside of major assignments, the other three major categories where points are assigned to calculate my grade at the end of the semester. 

List the category and number of points associated with that category. 

Group Workshops: 200

Process Work: 150

Attendance: 100


The location on Canvas where I can find support for my mental well-being throughout the semester. 

The location on Canvas where I can find access to resources that will help me succeed in this class. 

The location where I can find free printing on campus and the number of pages I receive as a non-liberal arts major.

"Self-Care Tools" module. 

"Useful Course Tools" module. 

3rd Floor Eddy Computer Lab. 125 pages of printing credits. Also, check in with your advisor for any printing resources available within your major.


CSU's Principles of Community are ___, ___, ___, ___, and ___.

Inclusion, Integrity, Respect, Service, and Social Justice.


The late work policy for major assignments. 

The late work policy for process work.

Late submissions will result in the loss of one letter grade per day and may receive less detailed feedback. 

Will be subject to a 50% grade reduction and can only be submitted up to one week late from the original due date.      


Define who qualifies as "another" within the plagiarism statement on the Syllabus.

Please write, verbatim, the honor code statement. Describe where you include this on assignments and for what type of assignments.

Another human or an AI. 

"I have not given, received, or used any authorized assistance." 

The bottom of major assignments.  


The five student learning outcomes for this class are ___, ___, ___, ____, and ____.

Employ Rhetorical Knowledge

Develop Content 

Apply Genre and Disciplinary Conventions

Use Sources and Evidence 

Control Syntax and Mechanics


The attendance policy in this class: 

Number of absences/week(s) of class. 

Types of absences included included for the absence policy.

Email policy. 

Describe what happens if you exceed the allocated number: this consists of two parts. 

5 excused absences (i.e., a week and a half of class). 

University-sanctioned events, religious holidays, sick days, mental health days, etc. 

I do not need to email if it is one of the 5 excused absences. 

I will lose the 100 points associated with attendance AND 

Ms. Daigle will stop grading assignments until I have met with Ms. Daigle. 


If I am a victim of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, relationship violence, stalking or retaliation, the three main resources I can contact with phone number.

Emergency Response (i.e., 911)

Deputy Title IX Coordinator/Office of Support and Safety Assessment: (970) 491-1350    

Colorado State University Police Department (non-emergency): (970) 491-6425
