The amount of time given each day to complete the Bell Ringer
What is 2-4 minutes at the beginning of class
The lowest grade you can get on an assignment
What is 0% (missing)
What will help you be successful in this class
What is a growth mindset
One way you can contact Ms. Simmonds. Usually requires a computer.
What is
The administration at Kelly High School
Who is Mr. Magdaleno, Ms. Fischer, Ms. Esparza, Ms. McGuire, Ms. Morales, Mr. Meadows
The Number of points you can receive each week for Bell Ringers
The Number of points you can receive each week for Learning Behavior
What is 10 points
What is 10 points
The grading category with the highest percentage
What is Classwork - 45%
The only way work will be graded
What is, by clicking TURN IN on Google Classroom and putting it in the Turn in Tray
What are the consequences of academic misconduct? (meaning cheating)
1st offense, student-teacher conference, incident recorded on ASPEN, counselor notified, apologize to the teacher and possibly peers, required to complete the test or assignment without cheating.
The number of the door all visitors must enter
What is door 4
The score you receive for answering the Bell Ringer in 1-2 words
What is .5 points out of 2
The Chicago Public Schools Grading Scale Ranges
What is
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-70
D 60-69
F 59 or lower
The number of points taken off for late work.
What is, 0 points. No points will be taken for late work.
Dear _______,
(The message you want to send)
All the best,
(My Name)
What is the proper e-mail etiquette
The year Kelly High School Opened
What is 1928
The 4 components to the Learning Behavior Rubric
What is...
Use of Technology
The assignments required to pass English with Ms. Simmonds
What is End of Unit Performance Tasks
Where does this come from? "If I stumble or struggle, I quickly ask my peers what to do and THEN if I am still stuck I ask my teachers. I take pride in all my work and believe that I can always do better. "
What is the target indicator for being resilient on the learning behavior rubric.
The three 3s from Ms. Simmonds' learning vision
What is, learners who are curious, critical thinkers, and confident.
The grade levels Kelly College Prep originally was designed for
What is 6th-9th grade
The class your celebrations and concentrations should be about and how they should be written
What is English class
What is in complete sentences and using SMART language (SMART GOALS!)
The 4 Grading Categories and Percentages
What is
Bell Ringer (BR) 5%
Learning Behavior (LB) 15%
Classwork (CW) 45%
Assessments (AST) 35%
The required materials for this class
What is a Chromebook. Ms. Simmonds will provide the rest.
The definition of collusion (in the Kelly College Prep Academic integrity policy)
What is helping others to cheat. Meaning, letting other students copy your work, giving other students answers, letting other students submit your work as if it were their own.
The number of students at Kelly College Prep last year
What is 1,762