When participating in class, to voice your thoughts you must first do this.
What is raise your hand?
These punctuation marks are the three possible ways to correctly end a sentence.
What are period, question mark, and exclamation point?
During class time, personal communication devices, excluding your Chromebook, should be these two things.
What is silent and out of sight.
Assignments will be graded in one of these two categories.
What is Formative and Summative?
These two teams played in the 2023 Superbowl.
What is Kansas City Chiefs and Philadelphia Eagles.
If at all possible you should limit getting a drink, going to the bathroom, or getting something from your locker to these two times.
What is between classes, or during work time?
This punctuation mark can correctly combine two independent clauses (or complete sentences) without adding any extra words.
What is a semicolon?
Along with cell phones and bluetooth headphones, this is also considered a personal communication device.
What is a smart watch?
These are the percentages of the two grading categories represented in the final grade for this class.
What is 30% Formative and 70% Summative?
This is the title of the first Pixar movie.
What is Toy Story?
When leaving the classroom, you must follow these three steps.
What is filling out an orange pass, getting the teacher's signature, and filling out the Sign-Out sheet?
In this reference book you can look up synonyms for words.
What is a Thesaurus?
This item can be used with your Chromebook to interact with audio media, when permitted by the teacher, during class time.
What is wired headphones?
This is the maximum amount of points that an assignment can lose for being late.
What is 10% of the total points?
This is Eleanor Roosevelt's maiden name.
What is Roosevelt?
To be prepared for class, you need to have these four things.
What is a charged Chromebook, a notebook, folder, and something to write with?
This is the name for the symbol “&"
What is an “ampersand”?
If a cellphone is out during instructional time, the teacher may take these two steps.
What is 1. Ask the student once to put the phone away. 2. If the student refuses to put the phone away, a tech write up will be entered into Skyward.
This is the maximum score that you can obtain in order to retake a quiz or test, or redo a project.
What is 75%?
Originally, Amazon only sold this kind of product.
What is books?
In order to keep the classroom in good condition, this is the food and drink rule.
What is: You may have an appropriate drink/snack as long as it is not disruptive and you keep your area clean.
This is the most commonly used letter in the English language.
What is "E"?
High School Students may use personal communication devices during these three times (as specified in the Student Handbook 2024-25).
What is before and after school, during their lunch break, in between classes?
Work that is due the day of an absence will be due for the absent student on this day.
What is the first day the student returns to school?
This food is known to be the most stolen in the world.
What is Cheese?