About the Course
Must knows...
Student Expectations

laptop, pencils, paper, calculator, etc...

What are... Class Materials?


Must be charged and ready for each class...

What is... your laptop?


The grade you get if formative assessments, such as homework, are NOT submitted by the due date or are incomplete...

What is... Zero?


This device must be turned off, placed in the pockets by the door, and not used as a distraction during class time...

What is... the cellphone, or mobile phone?


This category in your gradebook counts for 15% of your overall grade for the class.

What is... the Formative Assessments category?


Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays after school are when office hours occur.  Physics classes get priority on...

What is... Wednesdays?


A copy of the Syllabus can be found here...

What is... the MCD Class Bulletin Board?


The number of days that you have to make up assessments or assignments after an approved absence...

What is... the number of days equal to the approved absence?


These rules must be followed to ensure a safe lab experience for all students...

What are... Lab Safety Rules?


This category in your gradebook counts for 85% of your overall grade for this class...

What is... the Summative Assessments Category?


The main mode of teaching/learning for this science class...

What is... Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL), or lab-based investigations, or modeling physical relationships, or investigation-based learning...


Although limited information can be found on the syllabus, you can find detailed information about the student dress code, attendance policy, absence procedures, technology responsibilities, and others here...

What is... the Student Handbook?


Late formative assessments, such as homework, can be made up to receive 45% up until...

What is... up to the next summative assessment (such as a test or project)?


These consumable items are not generally allowed in science labs/classrooms for safety reasons...

What are... food and/or drinks?


If your semester ends with a grade between 83% and 86%, you will end up with this letter grade...

What is... a B?

  • Graphical Analysis and Measurement
  • Kinematics (including Velocity, & Acceleration)
  • Projectile Motion (2-D Motion)

What are... the topics or units of study for the first term/semester?


To receive feedback on an assignment or to see if your teacher has further instructions for you about it, you can check...

What are... the teacher's comments (on MCD)?


All late summative assessments (tests, projects, lab reports, etc.) will receive a grade reduction of...

What is... a 10%-a-day reduction for each school day past the deadline for 5 school days?  

[Following 5 school days, and for no more than 5 school days after that, the assessment will receive a maximum of 45 %.]     


All submitted work for grading must be completed individually (unless otherwise told) and in your own words...

What is... the MCDS Honor Code?


These types of assessments are designed to help you learn the material, while also measuring progress. These tasks help you FORM your learning and may be completed with support...  

What are... formative assessments?


Hopefully, in this science class, you will:  Observe and analyze empirical patterns to explain phenomena, develop models, and make predictions.  This is an example of...

What is... a Long-term Transfer Goal, or an Educational Goal, or a Learning Goal?


Students will further their understanding of the interaction between matter and energy.  Through collaborative efforts, students will design and implement laboratory investigations, collect empirical evidence, and analyze and interpret the data to question their existing preconceptions and misconceptions. Additionally, students will develop models to explain physical phenomena and transfer this understanding to novel situations.

This statement represents...

What is... the Course Purpose Statement?


The responsibility of the student when a known absence is coming up or if an assessment will NOT be turned in by the due date for a valid reason...

What is... timely communication?


Passes for this will NOT be allowed during the first few minutes and last few minutes of class time.  Only one student at a time will be allowed a pass at other appropriate times...

What is... a bathroom break?


These types of assessments are designed to test your cumulative understanding of the material and for you to show what you can DO with your learning...

What are... summative assessments?
