Can you use headphones to listen to music in Ms. Mooney's class?
Are you responsible for lost or damaged library books?
YES - be kind to my books #booklove
If you want to sign out a book, what should you do?
Pick out the book, follow the QR Code, and instructions on the website.
Where can you find any and all extra creative supplies you may need?
Back table & Art Cart
What does Fred Flintstone wear around his neck?
A tie
How many days can you turn in a late summative (project/essay/etc.) assessment?
5 school days from the original due date
E-mail is an important tool in our classroom and communication. If Ms. Mooney sends me an e-mail I should reply within ....
24 hour time period, during the school day.
What should you do when you want to return a book? (2 things)
1. Place book on cart
2. Visit QR code and select "return book"
What type of readings will we do in here? (3)
Book Club
Whole Class
In which hand is the Statue of Liberty torch?
What percent off is a late summative assessment?
Always abide by the "Fifteen minutes of ______ rule"
You have 13 seconds (Everyone have a prepared answer) - How many Frankenstein Creature's are in this room?
"Books are uniquely portable ______" - Stephen King
Where were fortune cookies invented?
What should you do if you are absent?
(1) Visit the absent work bin
(2) Check the Daily Slides on the Google Classroom.
What does the term "best draft" mean?
All drafts, even graded ones, remain alive and eligible for revision. Meaning - if you do not like your original score on a piece of summative writing, you can revise & resubmit (until the end of the quarter).
Name 1 of Ms. Mooneys BIG rules or "Laws of the Land" that we all must abide by.
See front of classroom.
What are three types of reading you will participate in?
Whole Class
Book Club
What is your body's largest organ?
When are Ms. Mooney's office hours? (Hint: there are three times)
Homeroom, White 3, Green 4
Ms. Mooney does NOT accept what sorts of assignments late?
formative assessments (worksheets, one pagers, annotations, etc.)
What can office hours be used for? (4 things)
writing conference, reading conference, lingering questions, just to talk, etc.
What are TWO Big ideas of AP Lang? (There were 4 listed on the syllabus)
- Rhetorical Situation
- Claims & Evidence
- Reasoning & Organization
- Style
What was the first soda in space?
Coca Cola